This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
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Trafficking in Persons Report June 2018
Country Care Review: Nepal
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by Forget Me Not and UNICEF Nepal.
Displaying 21 - 30 of 135
This article draws on original empirical data to explore the narratives of young Nepali adults who lived in Kathmandu orphanages as children. Through these narratives, the article explores the diverse complexities of the residents' experiences of volunteer tourism and NGO ‘rescue’, and the shortcomings of recent ‘neoabolitionist’ frameworks.
These Practitioner Guidance Papers share the approaches of five Family for Every Child members in adapting existing helplines or setting up new ones during the COVID-19 pandemic
This consultation explores children and young people’s views and experiences related to COVID-19 and its secondary impacts.
In this podcast episode, Pramila Manandhar, media officer for CWIN in Nepal, shares her experiences in supporting children living and working on the street during lockdown.
In this podcast episode, Sumnima Tuladhar, a founding member and executive director of CWIN child helpline in Nepal, discusses how calls to the helpline changed when the COVID-19 pandemic reached Nepal. They discuss the processes drawn up to allow the helpline team to continue supporting children in dangerous situations.
This launch webinar provided an introduction to the Transitioning Models of Care Assessment Tool, an assessment framework that assists practitioners to identify and analyze key starting point dynamics and determine the implications for strategy in supporting organisations to transition from an institutional to non-institutional model of care.
This article explores care leavers’ views and recommendations for practitioners and policymakers on the transition from leaving care to living independently in the community. The article outlines how children and young people affected by child sexual exploitation experience community reintegration, and their views on the key issues reintegration services need to consider.
Nepal's Minister of Women, Children, and Senior Citizen, Parbat Gurung, "interacted with children during Save the Children and Community Information Network’s (CIN) ‘Ministers with Children’ - a campaign designed to elevate the voices of children in COVID-19 discussions, with the aim to make elected representatives and policy-makers more accountable towards the need and challenges of children in Nepal," according to this press release from Save the Children.
This article examines the extent to which two key child rights principles enshrined in the Convention have been incorporated into the domestic law of seven South Asian countries: (a) the obligation to undertake active measures to prevent the unnecessary separation of children from their families and (b) the placing of a child in alternative care as a measure of last resort.
In this opinion piece for ABC News, Kate van Doore describes her experience of establishing an orphanage in Nepal in 2006, to later learn that the children in the home's care had living relatives and that many had been recruited to the orphanage.