Family for Every Child,

This is the 2nd presentation in the Kinship Care in Brazil mini-series. Here, Jonathan Hannay of ACER Brazil, shares learning from a programme of formal therapeutics kinship care that draws upon the Breaking the Cycle approach. Correction: The number stated at 17:02 should be 4, not 17.

Better Care Network,

Presented at the UN Human Rights Council side event on Promoting Quality Alternative Care for Children with Disabilities on 5 March 2019, this video highlights the work of ABLE, a program of the Cambodian NGO Children in Families that provides inclusive family-based care for children with disabilities.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This report summarizes the evidence for cash transfer programming and child protection in humanitarian contexts and recommends areas for action and further research.

Minnesota Senate Media Services,

In this video, State Representative Rena Moran and State Senator Jeff Hayden of the U.S. state of Minnesota introduce legislation that would establish guidelines to prevent the removal of African American children from their families.

The Prevention Collaborative,

This webinar includes presentations from the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Philippines, sharing experiences designing, managing and evaluating parenting interventions to reduce violence against children and adolescents by parents and caregivers.

Save the Children,

This series of videos highlights Save the Children's work in Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico to protect migrant and returnee children. 

Reveal - Center for Investigative Reporting, The Guardian,

This animated video shared by the Guardian tells the story of the separation of a young boy from his mother at the US border with Mexico upon their entry into the US from Guatemala.

Jane Ferguson - PBS NewsHour,

This segment for PBS NewsHour explores the impact of Yemen's civil war on children, particularly those who have lost one or both parents by death or abandonment.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

The Christian Alliance for Orphans has offered this challenge grant opportunity to spark innovation as child-serving organizations create or expand effective family care solutions for children. The organizations have reported their progress in a series of videos. 

Saul Parker & Sophie Dollar - The Kays Foundation ,

This research debrief includes the qualitative and quantitative findings from a study of parenting attitudes and practices in coastal Kenya that set out to cast new light on the First 1,000 Days, understanding this life-stage from the vantage point of families and communities. This study has been carried out with the sole purpose of bringing new insights on early childhood and childcare to the EC community, to help improve support for and services to 0–3 year olds.