Deborah Oppenheimer & Mark Jonathan Harris - HBO,

This documentary from HBO explores the often-misunderstood world of foster care in the U.S. through compelling stories from the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, the largest county child welfare agency in the country.

Hannah Long-Higgins - BBC News,

This video shares the stories of two "grandfamilies" in the US and a new affordable housing program in Washington, DC designed to house grandparents raising their grandchildren.

BBC Radio 5 Live,

In this video from the BBC, Lemn Sissay (writer and careleaver) tells BBC Radio 5 Live about the impact that growing up in care has had on his adult life.

Lemn Sissay - Channel 4,

In this documentary episode from Channel 4 in the UK, Lemn Sissay meets seven young people who are in the care of their council and sets out to help them express their experiences through words and perform them to a packed theatre of decision-makers.

Kristen Cheney | HagueTalks,

In this video, Dr. Kristen Cheney discusses how her work led her to study the growth of the Orphan Industrial Complex and its adverse effects on children, families, communities, and child protection systems.

Better Care Network and ReThink Orphanages,

This film tells the untold stories of orphanages, a system that's harming the very children we believe it protects, and how you can choose to be part of the solution.


This video presents the work of the FARE family strengthening program in Uganda to prevent separation of families and reintegrate children who are separated from their families, including the story of one young person and his family who were impacted by the program.

Chloe Setter - Thomson Reuters Foundation,

This video from the Thomson Reuters Foundation Trust Conference 2018 highlights the "actions" that participants can take to address the issues presented at the conference, particularly actions related to ending orphanage trafficking.

Thomson Reuters Foundation,

The Trust Conference 2018, hosted by Thomson Reuters Foundation, featured a conference theme on orphanage and trafficking. This video explains how orphanages have become a money-making industry which exploits children.

Thomson Reuters Foundation,

A panel event on orphanage trafficking was held at Thomson Reuters Foundation's Trust Conference 2018 on 14 November 2018. This video captures the discussions of that event, including a statement from one young care leaver from Nepal who told her story of being institutionalized in the country.