Transform Alliance Africa,

This video features interviews and presentations from a seminar that took place in Nairobi, Kenya in March 2018 which brought together orphanage directors to discuss the importance of children growing up in safe and loving families and the need to transition models of care.

Jason Mclure - Global Journalist,

This video from the Global Journalist takes a "a look at the debate around institutional child care in developing countries and what might be perpetuating the problem of overseas orphanage scams."

Greg Brosnan, Sara Al Wajih and Mandeep Rai - BBC News,

This video tells the story of Rani Hong, born in Kerala, India, who was kidnapped from her family, sold into slavery, and then sold into adoption.

Catholic Relief Services,

This video from Catholic Relief Services provides an overview of the Mothers and Babies Course.

Yashoda Upreti - RISE Learning Network,

In this webinar from RISE Learning Network, the speaker, Yashoda Upreti shares how Terre des Hommes in Nepal has implemented a case management program.

Chris Chang - 1 News,

A New Zealand-based volunteer tourism company, International Volunteer HQ, will begin phasing out volunteer placements in overseas orphanages due to concerns of child exploitation, according to this article and accompanying video from 1 News. 

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This 5-minute video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University explores the development and use of core capabilities — known as executive function and self-regulation skills — from early childhood into adolescence and adulthood.

Deep Savarni - Rise Learning Network,

In this webinar, hosted by Rise Learning Network, Deep Savarni, Founder & Director of Praajak Development Society shares his experience in establishing the Child Protection Committees as a means to realize effective participation of children in monitoring care services in government-run child care institutions in India.

Kerry Alexandra - TRT World,

This video from TRT World describes the deinstitutionalization process underway in Romania, including the efforts of the Robin Hood Centre and Hope and Homes for Children to transition to family-based care models in the country.

Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnicity,

This online course on implicit bias was developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnicity to aid practitioners in understanding and addressing racial bias in the US child protection system.