
Displaying 11241 - 11250 of 14348

Emmaüs International ,

Le groupe Emmaüs CAJED (RDC) agit depuis 1992 pour la réinsertion scolaire et professionnelle des enfants et adolescents en rupture sociale. Enfants des rues, enfants soldats, enfants déplacés…. l’équipe les accompagne dans leur processus de reconstruction. Entretien avec Gilbert Munda, coordinateur du groupe.


Save the Children,

This album presents viewpoints of children and young people, who have been engaged in this participatory research on kinship care - as advisors, researchers, respondents and documenters during the months of June to December, 2014.

Nina Strochlic - The Daily Beast,

This article tells the story of Mwamini and Sadiki Fracoize, a couple in the Congo who are fostering former child soldiers, and describes the system of foster care for demobilized child soldiers in the country.

Petras Vaida - The Baltic Course,

The capital city of Lithuania, Vilnius, is making concerted efforts to close down all orphanages by the year 2020, according to the article.

Global Voices,

This article reviews the human trafficking crisis in Nepal, an issue brought to light recently by the devastating earthquakes that hit Nepal in April and May 2015, but which has been a problem in Nepal for many years.

The Hindu,

Officials from the Central Bureau of Investigation in India have reached Palakkad and started collecting evidence on the alleged trafficking of children to orphanages in Kerala from West Bengal, Bihar, and Jharkhand, according to the article.

Faith to Action Initiative,

Esta guía es la tercera publicación en una serie producida por the Faith to Action Initiative (Iniciativa de Fe en Acción) para proporcionar a las iglesias, a las organizaciones basadas en la fe, e individuos de fe con información para ayudar a guiar la “mejor práctica”. La guía proporciona una visión general de una gama de opciones de cuidado alternativo para los niños que han sido separados del cuidado parental.

Lindsay Stark, Beth Rubenstein, Hani Mansourian and Craig Spencer (Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University), Anna Skeels (Save the Children),

This document provides a brief summary of the field testing of the population-based estimation method (or ‘estimation method’) in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Lindsay Stark, Beth Rubenstein, Hani Mansourian and Craig Spencer (Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University), Anna Skeels (Save the Children),

This pilot summary document provides a brief summary of the field testing of the community-based surveillance method in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Alexandru Toth, Asociația Sociometrics – Grupul de Analiză Socială și Economică,

This report provides data and background on challenges of placing siblings together in foster families.