
Displaying 12051 - 12060 of 14437,, recently published an in-depth guide to Social Worker careers and degree program opportunities. 

Women's Refugee Commission,

The WRC will undertake the second year of a two-year research project focused on ensuring livelihood programs implemented during emergencies are effective and safe for participants, and that they do not heighten risks of gender-based violence but, in fact, help to mitigate those risks. The Program Officer will field test the recommendations, guidance and tool(s) emerging from the first year of the research project. The PO will also conduct trainings in the field and through webinars from lessons learned over the second year. 

Catholic Relief Services,

Catholic Relief Services is seeking a qualified candidate for Capacity Building Technical Director (CBTD) for an anticipated USAID funded program on Comprehensive Care for Children Affected by HIV and AIDS (C3).

Catholic Relief Services,

CRS is currently preparing for a potential global award in the area of social services and child protection called Comprehensive Care for Children Affected by HIV and AIDS (C3). In the event that USAID awards the grant to CRS, CRS is preparing to staff up.

Catholic Relief Services,

Catholic Relief Services is seeking a qualified candidate for Evidence Building Technical Director (EBTD) for an anticipated USAID funded program on Comprehensive Care for Children Affected by HIV and AIDS (C3).

Keeping Children Safe, Plan International, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes, UNICEF Nigeria, USAID and War Child,

This conference is being organised by leaders in the field: Keeping Children Safe, Plan International, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes, UNICEF Nigeria, USAID and War Child. Participation is sought from across Africa and from international experts.

Human Rights Watch,

La Thaïlande maintient chaque année en détention des milliers d’enfants migrants, leur causant des dommages émotionnels et physiques, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans un rapport. Des enfants migrants et demandeurs d’asile sont détenus de manière inutile dans des lieux de rétention sordides et des cellules de la police, en raison de leur statut en matière d’immigration ou de celui de leurs parents.

Alberto Celesia, Alejandro Morlachetti, Matilde Luna - RELAF, Save the Children, and UNICEF,

Este Manual é o resultado do trabalho de três organizações que partilham a necessidade de desenvolver uma estratégia para a protecção dos direitos das crianças migrantes. RELAF, Save the Children e UNICEF produziram este documento como um instrumento para as melhorias necessárias na matéria, em particular no que diz respeito à formação dos operadores técnicos e profissionais responsáveis pela protecção dos direitos das crianças migrantes.

World Health Organization, CBM, World Vision International & UNICEF,

This guide focuses on psychological first aid, which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is written for people who can help others experiencing an extremely distressing event.

Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, IntraHealth CapacityPlus, USAID, UNICEF, Maestral International,

This report highlights the findings of a mapping and assessment exercise in Benue State, Nigeria.