
Displaying 13721 - 13730 of 14433

International Labor Organization,

Standards for shelters and care providers responding to children who have been trafficked. It gives guidance and practice examples of intake procedures, interim and longer term care, support services, integration and reunification

Scottish Executive,

A set of standards for agencies that provide child care/day care services within the family home e.g. nannies, child minders, and babysitters.

World Health Organization and The International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect ,

Multi-disciplinary information and tools on assessing the incidence of child abuse and neglect, the risk and protective factors prevalent in families and communities, and support services to prevent and respond to violence against children.

United Nations Secretary General's Study on Violence Against Children ,

This is a chapter from the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence Against Children that specifically explores the factors contributing to violence against children in institutional care and justice institutions. This chapter includes sections on the sources of violence against children in institutional care, the impact of institutional care on children’s health and development, and the populations of children most likely to become institutionalized.


Guidance on supporting children, families, and communities affected by HIV and AIDS. Covers topics such as ensuring adequate family support for children affected by HIV and AIDS, supporting child headed households, small group homes and collective foster care.


This paper provides more detailed information on the provisions that should be in place in relation to the state social welfare sector, social protection, legal protection and justice, and alternative care. It also addresses the need to combat the stigma of abuse and HIV and AIDS.

Carol Edwards, Edwina Brockelsby, Family Rights Group, UK,

A template for assessing the suitability of kinship caregivers in the longer term, and for planning the care of a child in kinship care.

Carol Edwards, Edwina Brockelsby Family Rights Group UK,

A template for assessing the suitability of kinship caregivers in the short term, and for planning the care of a child in kinship care. There are sections that can be given to potential caregivers to help them prepare for caring for a child.

UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office ,

A directory of resources on child and youth participation. It provides a listing of publications, organizations and web resources from practitioners worldwide on a broad range of child participation issues and projects.

Participation Practice Guide 06, Social Care Institute for Excellence, UK,

A guide on the changes needed to the culture, structure, and practice of organizations in order to include children’s participation in developing social care