
Displaying 11171 - 11180 of 14348

Beth Bradford, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance & Better Care Network - ISPCAN European Conference,

This presentation was given by Beth Bradford at the ISPCAN European Conference in September 2015.

Dr (habil) Maria Herczog, President of Eurochild, Former member of the UNCRC Committee,

This presentation was given at the ISPCAN Conference in Bucharest, Romania in September 2015. The presentation reviews similarities and differences in national care reform efforts in the Eastern Europe region, highlights the main care-related issues in the region 25 years ago, describes the reforms and improvements made in the region as well as the challenges and responses to reforms, and provides recommendations for the way forward.


ISPCAN will be hosting its 14th Annual European Regional Conference in Bucharest, Romania - 25 years after the political shifts in Eastern Europe. The conference, as well as the prestigious key-note speakers, will target collaborative ways to prevent violence against children.  


On 26 September 2015, PEPFAR launched ambitious new HIV prevention targets and announced that the program is now investing nearly half a billion dollars to support an AIDS-free future for adolescent girls and young women.

CPC Learning Network and the International Institute for Child Rights and Development,

On September 24, 2015, the CPC Learning Network hosted a webinar about measuring the separation of children from their families in emergency settings.

Mary Mann - The Village Green,

Family Connections, a local non-profit organization in Essex county, New Jersey in the United States, has developed a program called Reunity House, which is designed to help permanently reunify children in foster care with their parents.

Stela Grigoras & Florence Martin - GSSWA Blog,

This post on the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance blog, by Stela Grigoras from Partnership for Every Child, Moldova, and Florence Martin, director of the Better Care Network, provides an overview of the situation of children's care in Moldova and ways that community level workers are engaged in helping to reform the care system.

CPC Learning Network,

The CPC Learning Network will host a webinar on the latest reports of the Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE) project on Thursday, September 24, 2015 from 9am to 11am EDT.

Better Care Network and UNICEF,

This video gives an inside look at an assisted family setting in Ghana where children with disabilities live with their foster mothers. It highlights the increased risk of family separation faced by children with special needs and advocates for the provision of quality family-based care to children who cannot be with their parents or extended families.


The presentation slides outline the webinar entitled Child Welfare in the 21st Century: The Need for a Pre-and Post-Permanence Service Continuum, which discusses the direction of child welfare in the 21st Century.