
Displaying 5521 - 5530 of 14348

Rachel Rosenberg - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study examines social networks and utilization of social support among young people ages 18 to 25 from one southeastern state in the US who had aged out of care or were in extended foster care.

United Nations,

The Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on Violence Against Children, Dr. Maalla M’jid, presented her first annual report “to define concrete and joint actions at the global, regional, and national levels to keep our promise to children to end violence by 2030," according to this press release from the United Nations.

Alison Teyhan, Andy Boyd, Dinithi Wijedasa, John Macleod - BMJ Open,

The purpose of this study was to use record linkage of birth cohort and administrative data to study educational outcomes of children who are looked-after (in public care) and in need (social services involvement), and examine the role of early life factors.

CBS News,

This documentary from CBS News takes viewers inside the real-life challenges facing migrant families split apart by the Trump administration's "Zero Tolerance" policy.

Sara Lim Bertrand and Kristen M. Castrataro - Save the Children Sweden and Save the Children International, East and Southern Africa Regional Office,

This Quick Reference Guide is a practical guide for all stakeholders who hope to implement a government-led, cross-border coordination mechanism for the protection of children who are unaccompanied and separated while in situations of migration or displacement.


CELCIS is recruiting for the position of International Lead.

Yolanda Sánchez-Sandoval, Natalia Jiménez-Luque, Sandra Melero, Violeta Luque, Laura Verdugo - The British Journal of Social Work,

The aim of this article is to review adult adoptees’ demands for post-adoption resources, applicants’ characteristics and resources offered to them.

April M. Moyer & Abbie E. Goldberg - Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

The current study employed thematic analysis to explore Massachusetts foster youth’s academic challenges and supports through interviews with teachers, foster parents, former foster youth, and three individuals who were both teachers and foster parents.

Aura Ankita Mishra, Laura M. Schwab-Reese, Lauren V. Murfree - Child & Youth Care Forum,

Objectives of this study were twofold. To identify combinations of adverse childhood experiences that are associated with out of home placement (OOHP)—based on both duration of OOHP and change in actual placement during each time point, among welfare involved youth. The second objective was to understand long-term negative outcomes during adolescence that are associated with greater placement instability.

Camilo Montoya-Galvez - CBS News,

"A new lawsuit against current and former top Trump administration officials who oversaw and implemented policies that led to the separation of migrant families near the U.S.-Mexico border is seeking potentially millions of dollars in damages on behalf of thousands of parents and children," according to this article from CBS News.