
Displaying 2781 - 2790 of 14348

Better Care Network,

In this video on the Do’s and Don’ts of Care Leaver Engagement, Ruth Wacuka discusses what makes engagement meaningful for Care Leavers and what makes it tokenistic, and in the worst cases, exploitative.

Family For Every Child,

***Location is not relevant as this is a home based position***


Dr. Anis Ben Brik,

The COVID-19 Family Life Study is a research study that explores the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on family life across cultures.

Mons Bissenbakker & Lene Myong - Ethnic and Racial Studies,

Based on analysis of legal documents on family reunification and educational material concerning transnational adoption in Denmark, this article suggests that the concept of attachment may be conceptualized as a specific operationalization of belonging, and that belonging and biopower may be viewed as intertwined (rather than opposites).

Kevin Sieff - The Washington Post,

This article from the Washington Post tells the stories of families who were separated at the U.S. border with Mexico due to the U.S. "zero tolerance policy," then reunited, and then separated again by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Morganne Campbell - Global News,

"A disturbing trend has led to a plea from doctors across [Canada] as more babies and children are being treated with serious trauma, fractures and in some cases, malnutrition," says this article from Global News.

Manfred Nowak and Manu Krishan - Crime Prevention and Justice in 2030,

This chapter summarises the detailed findings of the United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty and exemplifies the significant leading role of academia in ‘making the invisible and forgotten visible’ throughout the world.

Times of India,

The Department of Social Defense has placed 27 children in foster care in the state of Tamil Nadu after a gap of nearly six years, according to this article from the Times of India.

Srishti Kapoor, Kailash Panwar, Kshitija Wason - Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond,

The present research study is an exploratory study to examine factors like lack of communication and attachment to parents, abuse, poverty and peer influence with a sample size of 100 runaway children (50 girls, 50 boys) residing in a non-governmental organisation in NCR, Delhi.

Brenda Jones Harden, Cassandra Simons, Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, Richard Barth - The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,

In this article, the authors trace how government responsibility for the prevention of child maltreatment became centered within the U.S. child protection response.