
Displaying 10071 - 10080 of 14435

By Dr. Jean Elphick General Manager: Afrika Tikkun Empowerment Programme,

This report presents the results of an evaluation of Afrika Tikkun's Empowerment Programme.

Diego Silva Balerio and Pablo Dominguez Collette - UNICEF,

La publicación que se presenta pretende ser un aporte en desarrollando herramientas, metodologías de trabajo, y estrategias para desinternar a niños en distintos momentos vitales. A partir de la experiencia de trabajo y la reflexión sobre su propia práctica, La Barca ordena, sistematiza y pone a disposición de todos los actores del sistema de protección a la infancia los principales aprendizajes de la tarea realizada en los últimos años.

Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare,

These Practice Notes highlight the common barriers to traumatic stress screening in child welfare settings. 


This document provides analysis of child protection needs and risks at the government level to support child protection actors in programmed development, resource mobilasation and advocacy.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

The Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book finds today's youth — Generation Z — are healthier and completing high school on time despite mounting economic inequality and increasingly unaffordable college tuition.

International Detention Coalition,

This short animation tells the story of a young boy and girl forced to flee their homes, and how detention can be avoided in order to complete their migration status.

Samantha Chaitkin, Nigel Cantwell, Dr. Chrissie Gale, Dr. Ian Milligan, Catherine Flogothier, Claire O’Kane, Dr. Graham Connelly - European Union, CELCIS, SOS Children's Villages,

This synthesis report contains findings of a study that conducted research in six South and Central American, Asian and African countries for the purpose of gaining understanding of the nature, extent, and scope of institutionalization and the feasibility of deinstitutionlisation.

Opening Doors,

This infographic provides quick status reports on deinstitionalisation in the following countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

This resource guide reflects the theme of the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect’s 20th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, "Building Community, Building Hope," which was held in Washington, DC, in August 2016. 

Opening Doors,

This report from Opening Doors discusses the Opening Doors II pan-European campaign launched in Chisinau.