
Displaying 12211 - 12220 of 14429

SOS Children’s Villages International ,

SOS Children's Villages is offering a paid internship based in its international office in Vienna to support a global campaign team in the day to day running and future development of its global advocacy Care For Me project

Usang M Assim and Julia Sloth-Nielsen,

This article specifically focuses on kafalah as an alternative care option for children deprived of a family environment in comparison with other forms of alternative childcare. 

Mary J. Bunge - Child Abuse and Neglect Journal, Volume 38, Issue 4,

This article provides examples from the Christian Bible to suggest that Christianity offers many principles and mandates that promote Christians to protect and nurture children.

Mary J. Bunge - Child Abuse and Neglect Journal, Volume 38, Issue 4,

This article introduces the series of articles in this issue of the Child Abuse and Neglect Journal which focus on the role of religion and religious communities on children’s care and protection.

Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone,

This report documents the developmental journey taken by the Government of Sierra Leone (GSL) towards the protection, promotion and fulfilment of the rights of all of its children as protected by the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).

Nancy Gard McGehee - The Journal of Sustainable Tourism,

This article discusses the challenges in research and practice that have grown out of the evolution of volunteer tourism.

Save the Children,

This video documents Save the Children's work in Armenia to reform the child protection system, including its use of the Guidelines for Alternative Care as a roadmap to focus on supporting a range of appropriate family environments for children without appropriate care.


This article by Tengrinnews reports that Kazakhstan plans to introduce major changes to its orphans and disadvantaged children programs.

Save the Children,

This leaflet is a mapping of Save the children’s role and work in promoting the engagement of fathers. It presents some of the evidence of the benefits of involving fathers and some of the strategies used by the organization and others.

The Independent, Ian Burrell,

This article highlights the impact three recent television documentaries on British television have had on public awareness and understanding of foster care and adoption processes.