South Africa

Displaying 14031 - 14040 of 14340

Department of Health, England,

A set of standards for ensuring positive welfare, health and education in children’s homes. It includes standards and outcomes on planning for care, quality of care, complaints and protection, care and control, environment, staffing, management and administration, and specialist provision.

Department of Health, UK ,

A set of standards for the delivery of a national fostering service. It includes standards for the management of the service, the delivery of care, reunification with birth families, and working with caregivers.

Teresita Silva,

Highlights the work of Childhope Asia Philippines and Families and Children for Empowerment and Development in helping street children living in and around Manila.

Jonathon Rose,

Brief article arguing for doctors to take a lead role in caring for children on the street. Suggests that physicians could provide direct patient care, advocacy for children's rights, and leadership for reform at the community and national level.


Compiled case descriptions from a diverse set of programs that work with and for adolescents. Analysis emphasizes common challenges and lessons learned for strategic planning.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Resource pack for a rigorous course on international legal standards for children. Includes notes for facilitators, participatory exercises, overheads, and handouts.

Nathalie de Watteville,

Discusses the needs of women and girls during demobilization and reintegration programs and aims to identify strategized that minimize gender discrimination. Includes detailed recommendations and gender-sensitive suggestions for questionnaires.

Carol Coombe,

Outlines the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education in order to clarify probable changes in demand for and supply of education services. Includes a discussion of responses and best practices.


A qualitative evaluation of child soldiering in the East Asia and Pacific region based on accounts of current and former child soldiers. Includes comprehensive guidelines for interviewing children about their experiences with child soldiering.


Outlines links between HIV/AIDS and armed conflict, with emphasis on their joint impacts on children. Summarizes key priorities for dealing with HIV/AIDS, children, and conflict.