
Demographic Data:

  • Total Population: 15,245,855
  • Population under 15: 41.6%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 57.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 155 out of 188 
  • World Bank Status: Low Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 16.7%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.1 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 44.6%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, DHS 2010-11


Displaying 1181 - 1190 of 14347

Mical Raz - The Washington Post,

Twenty-five years ago, President Bill Clinton signed the Adoption and Safe Families Act. Passed in 1997, with broad bipartisan support, ASFA reflected a genuine commitment to the well-being of children and concern over them spending long months and even years in different foster care homes. Adoption was positioned as a positive and permanent solution for children in temporary care placements. Today, adoption is in the news again, especially with the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which ended the legal right to an abortion.

Human Rights Watch, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),

This Human Rights Watch report examines removals of children and termination of parental rights by state child welfare systems in the U.S., focusing primarily on four states: California, New York, Oklahoma, and West Virginia.

Human Rights Watch,

The US child welfare system punishes people for living in poverty and disproportionately impacts Black and Indigenous families, according to a new report produced by Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union. The failures of the system can haunt families for decades by limiting their employment opportunities and exacerbating a cycle of poverty that can trap successive generations in the child welfare net.

Lisa Cavazuti, Cynthia McFadden, Maite Amorebieta, Yasmine Salam - NBC News,

Native Americans are speaking out decades later about the abuses and indignities they endured at a school designed to “kill the Indian” in them.

Ukraine Children's Care Group,

This document is a summary of key findings and points of discussion that were highlighted by presenters and participants during the Addressing the need for foster care in the context of the Ukraine crisis learning event that took place on 7 September 2022.

Better Care Network, Bridges Safehouse,

This case study outlines the financial impact of the transition of Bridges Safehouse, an organization that provided support to a total of 834 children, youth and adults, through their residential and community-based intervention programs combined.

Armeda Stevenson Wojciak, Olivia Tomfohrde, Jessica E Simpson, Jeffrey Waid,

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine sibling relationships and sibling separation amongst adults with prior foster care experience in England.

Maria Morrison, Brett Drake,

Using national child welfare data, the authors examined a subset of foster children (7%) who entered care due to parental incarceration in the U.S.

Maritta Törrönen, Carol Munn-Giddings, Riitta Vornanen,

This study explores young people’s perceptions of their existential well-being during the transition after leaving care. The study involves peer research with young people leaving care in Finland and England.