Child Participation

Children have the right to participate in matters affecting their lives and should be enabled to give their opinions, and to have those opinions taken into account. Through participation, children learn self-expression, empowerment and ultimately greater self-esteem.  Children are a diverse group and therefore children of different ages, abilities, backgrounds, races, and both genders should ideally be included in a consultation process.

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This report examines the current state of orphans and vulnerable children. It provides a regional overview, highlights trends, urges support for alternatives to institutional care and child participation, and presents a framework of protection and care of orphans and vulnerable children. Includes comprehensive data appendices.

Claire O’Kane,

Outlines the Butterfly Program in India, which utilizes to an empowerment approach to working with children living and working on the streets of New Delhi. Highlights the importance of child participation and rights.

CIDA Child Protection Unit, Policy Branch,

A guide designed to help incorporate child participation results into relevant projects. Includes current practices and lessons learned, sample project plans, and a list of suggested resources.

Claire O'Kane,

Focuses on the work of the Butterflies Programme for Street and Working Children in India. Advocates for participatory approaches in child-focused development work.

Andy West,

This paper defines concepts and highlights key topics around orphaned and vulnerable children. It stresses the importance of creating a child-friendly environment and utilizing a holistic approach to care, both which identify children as central participants in decision-making about care and placement.

Laurence Gray,

Discusses approaches to protecting at-risk children in five Asian countries. Identifies programming and policy measures that effectively address child abuse. Emphasis on committing all levels of society to coordinated practical response.

Save the Children,

A toolkit of good practices for involving children in consultation and policy processes. Includes an extensive guide to additional resources.

Save the Children Alliance,

A comprehensive guide to organizing consultations with groups of children or young people, and the role of adults in creating a safe and enabling environment for meaningful child participation.


A sample survey designed to be used in interviewing parents and guardians of children ages six to twelve years old. The questions assess household financial security, socio-demographic and community characteristics, psychosocial intervention exposure, income generation intervention exposure, health status, HIV/AIDS prevention exposure, legal rights, and coping skills. Includes sample consent form.

Gillian Mann and David Tolfree ,

Paper described ways in which children separated in emergencies have been involved in research about their community and lives. It focuses on identifying the most appropriate and achievable way to involve children given the reality of their context and circumstances, and includes an appendix of specific games to encourage child participation.