United States of America

List of Organisations

Displaying 811 - 820 of 2155

List of Organisations

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

On Sept. 19, the Casey Foundation hosted a webinar sharing data and lessons from the first phase of Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential (LEAP)™, an effort to boost employment and educational opportunities for young people ages 15 to 25 who’ve experienced homelessness or been involved with public systems.

Joyce Y Lee, Terri Gilbert, Shawna J Lee, Karen M Staller - Social Work,

The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to social workers of child welfare reform by class action lawsuits and subsequent consent decrees in the United States.

Judith S. Lewis - Washington Post,

In this article for the Washington Post, Judith S. Lewis discusses the findings from several studies on separated children in the UK after World War II in relation to the family separation of migrant families in the US today.

Eli Hager - The New York Times,

This article from the New York Times tells the story of a man in New York whose daughter was removed from his care and placed into foster care due child abuse committed by his daughter's mother.

Rachel A. Fusco - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

The current study compares risk factors and sleep in a sample of foster care alumni and low-income young adults aged 18–24.

National Family Support Network,

This guide from the National Family Support Network provides a brief outline of suggested steps for funders to invest in Family Resource Centers, including resources from the National Family Support Network for each step.

Hana Yoo & Kelsey Abiera - Child & Youth Services,

This study aims to explore parents’ lived experiences of receiving child neglect allegations and how they make sense of these experiences.

Jasmine Aguilera - Time,

This article from Time reviews the status of the separation of migrant families at the US border with Mexico, including a class action lawsuit against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) representing the children separated during the implementation of the US Administration’s Zero Tolerance policy.

M. Sebrena Jackson, Alex D. Colvin, Angela N. Bullock - Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

Using a case study approach, this article will review a pre-college summer program designed specifically for youth transitioning from foster care, the National Social Work Enrichment Program (NSEP).

Bridget Colacchio Wesley, Julia Pryce, Gina M. Samuels - Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

This article explores child welfare professionals' understandings of well-being, as well as barriers and facilitators to well-being in their practice experience.