This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
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Trafficking in Persons Report June 2018
Country Care Review: Nepal
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by Forget Me Not and UNICEF Nepal.
Displaying 101 - 110 of 135
This short flyer from UNICEF Nepal answers the questions: What is orphanage voluntourism? Are the children in orphanages actually orphans? How can orphanage volunteering be harmful? Why is there greater risk following the 2015 earthquake? What are the risks to children of residing in orphanages? What is the solution for children that are genuine orphans? And how can you help children in Nepal?
This document provides guidelines to reintegrating trafficked and displaced children in Nepal, based on the approach and methodology developed and utilized by Next Generation Nepal (NGN) and The Himalayan Innovative Society (THIS).
This video, from Forget Me Not, features the story of Alisha, a young girl in Nepal who was separated from her family and taken to a children’s home in Kathmandu.
Anna McKeon, consultant for the Better Volunteering Better Care initiative, presented at a launch event of a new report on orphanage volunteering from Next Generation Nepal.
A court in Nepal has recently found two men guilty of repeatedly raping three girls with autism who were in the men’s care at an orphanage in Kathmandu.
Collected viewpoints on international volunteering in residential care centres Country focus: Nepal is a document devloped by the Better Volunteering Better Care Intiative
This Excutive Summary is developed by the Better Volunteering Better Care shares two hour-long presentations by an individual who works directly with the issue of orphanage tourism in Nepal, and another individual who has coordinated a global, child-protection-focused, inter-agency initiative directly tied to orphanage tourism.
This report from Family for Every Child and partners summarises research on children’s reintegration that took place in Mexico, Moldova and Nepal from 2011 to 2014.
This article argues that orphanage voluntourism fuels the displacement and trafficking of children from their families in Nepal and their unnecessary institutionalisation.