
Displaying 14071 - 14080 of 14346

Peace Corps Center for Field Assistance and Applied Research,

A comprehensive guide to training young people on the development of life skills, such as communication, decision-making, and relationships.

Save the Children Alliance, UNHCR, UNICEF and OHCHR,

A training resource pack on skills for working effectively with children, particularly children in distress.

Consortium for Street Children,

Report from a regional meeting on street children in South Asia. Contains country reports, outlines key issues, and highlights best practices for programs operating in the region. Includes recommendations for advocacy, program and policy development.

Richard Carter,

Analyzes discrimination against minorities in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Suggests projects to counter discrimination and includes points for good practices in dealing with prejudice.

Mark Lorey,

Outlines the planning and implementation of programs focused on recruitment prevention, demobilization, or reintegration of child soldiers. Includes notes on situation analysis, monitoring, and evaluation.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Discusses the importance, benefits and challenges to community mobilisation for refugees and other displaced persons, with a particular emphasis on children. Includes facilitators notes, participatory exercises, overheads, and handouts.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Resource pack for a course introducing the skills necessary for communicating with children. Includes facilitator’s notes, exercises, and handouts, as well as a list of relevant resources.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Resource pack for a course in child and adolescent development. Emphasis on identifying threats to childhood development and strategies to promote development in adverse conditions. Includes facilitators notes, participatory exercises, overheads, and handouts.

K Subbarao, Angel Mattimore, and Kathrin Plangemann,

Overviews the causes and consequences of the orphan crisis in Africa and analyzes current social protection responses. Suggests good practices in social protection of orphans and vulnerable children.

Marc Sommers,

An overview of the key challenges surrounding youth in crisis and the framework for dealing with these issues based on Save the Children principles in youth programming. Includes detailed examination of international programming examples.