Democratic Republic of the Congo

Demographic Data:

  • Total Population: 74.88 million
  • Population under 15: 46%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 58.7 years
  • Human Development Index: 176 out of 188 
  • World Bank Status: Low Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 1.0%
  • Mean Household Composition: 5.3 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 25%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2013/2014


Displaying 1471 - 1480 of 14348

Lisa Schlein - Voice of America,

Geneva — The U.N. children's fund says more than 266,000 violations were committed against children in armed conflict between 2005 and 2020.

Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC),

El estudio de caso, plasmado en una página, está dirigido a posibles donantes, público interesado y actores vinculados a la reforma del cuidado infantil, que desean aprender sobre los procedimientos relacionados con el primer caso exitoso de reunificación familiar a cargo de la Iniciativa Cambiando la Forma en que Cuidamos que opera en Guatemala y además sobre el importante papel de la gestión de casos. El presente estudio de caso fue escrito en julio del 2020, un año después de la reunificación.

Ann Garbett, UNFPA,

This report’s findings on the prevalence of motherhood in childhood across the globe and repeat adolescent childbearing highlight that more needs to be done to design, implement and evaluate programmes that target the youngest starters and girls at risk of rapid and repeat adolescent births.

Republic of Rwanda, The Commonwealth, CHOGM Rwanda 2022,

This is one of the resolutions adopted under the Kigali Declaration on Child Care and Protection Reform adopted on June 25, at the closure of the 2022 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. 

Faith to Action Initiative,

This report introduces the limitations of orphanages, the importance of caring for children in families, and how to shift support to strengthen families, increase alternative family care options, and empower communities. This resource shares inspiring stories, engaging graphics, and explores tangible examples of work being done around the world to see children cared for in safe and loving families.

Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC),

El presente documento pretende presentar una estrategia integral que involucre cuidadosamente al sector basado en la fe de Guatemala, con el objetivo de apoyar y promover el cambio en la forma en que el cuidado de los NNA es proporcionado por estos actores importantes y alineado con la visión de CTWWC. La estrategia está dirigida a quienes trabajen en la promoción de la transformación de servicios y el derecho a vivir en familia, y su trabajo está directamente relacionado con organizaciones basadas en  la fe, es decir, directores de hogares de abrigo y protección, Obispos, sacerdotes, pastores, líderes religiosos y laicos comprometidos con el desarrollo humano integral de los NNA.

Global Collaborative Platform,

This webinar was co-hosted with the Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) initiative and was an opportunity to lift up how the Catholic Church is advancing safe and nurturing family care for children around the world.

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

This webinar co-hosted with the Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) initiative is an opportunity to lift up how the Catholic Church is advancing safe and nurturing family care for children around the world.

ESARO Regional Learning Platform on Care Reform, CTWWC,

The Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform hosted a webinar on June 22, 2022, featuring speakers from UNICEF's head office and the Better Care Network who provided detailed examples on the importance of data in Uganda's care reform processes. This purpose of this webinar was to examine the importance of using data to inform care reform, and how data can be collected and used effectively.


This webinar focused on the themes and recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s Day of General Discussion (DGD) about the rights of children and young people in alternative care and the implications for children and adolescents in Scotland.