
Displaying 1041 - 1050 of 14348

Better Care Network,

Better Care Network (BCN) is seeking a Community Outreach and Youth Engagement Specialist. The Community Outreach and Youth Engagement Specialist is responsible for ensuring effective information sharing, communication, and engagement of a wide range of stakeholders and partners as part of key inter-agency initiatives which BCN is facilitating, in particular the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative. 

Research Program on Children and Adversity at the Boston College School of Social Work,

the Fiscal & Grant Administrator is responsible for assisting in the overseeing the fiscal and procedural requirements of RPCA grants, including the development of appropriate financial controls and procedures, related procurement needs, working with pre- and post-award sponsored administration, budgeting, and financial reporting and forecasting. 

Research Program on Children and Adversity,

The Refugee Program Manager will inform delivery of mental health and family support needs to resettled refugees in the US. The Refugee Program Manager will engage with local community resettlement agencies and other key stakeholders and partners.

Research Program on Children and Adversity - Boston College,

The Program Manager will support a 20-year long intergenerational/longitudinal study of war affected youth in Sierra Leone (ISWAY). This study is funded by the NIMH and will advance the understanding of potential biological embedding of stress responses intergenerationally.

Research Program on Children and Adversity - Boston College,

Research Scientist will oversee aspects of program implementation, research design, data management, data analysis related to the aims of the RPCA research portfolio focused on longitudinal and spillover research as well as implementation science.

International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC),


ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

This UNICEF ESARO webinar discussed strategies for building strong families and communities and preventing child-family separation in the region.

Ailbhe Conneely - RTÉ,

Efforts are being made to end the practice of people travelling from Ireland to volunteer and visit orphanages worldwide. It is part of a global effort to end international orphanage volunteering and the institutionalisation of children.

International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC),

Join us for a discussion that explores the challenges and solutions for including migrant and displaced children in data collection and information management systems.

Collaborative on Global Children's Issues, Georgetown University,

Join the Collaborative on Global Children's Issues, Georgetown University, for a discussion featuring U.S. government representatives, education in emergency champions, experts, and young leaders.