
Displaying 14191 - 14200 of 14348

This paper is a systematic review of studies that examined the implementation and/or effectiveness of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). ICWA was enacted in 1978 in response to the disproportionate number of American Indian children in non-American Indian out-of-home placements and to enhance the stability of American Indian families and tribes.

This documentary chronicles a Honduran family’s struggle to reunite after being separated at the U.S.-Mexico border three years earlier under the Trump administration’s immigration policies. 

The Program Coordinator will support all aspects of Sugira Muryango, a family intervention projects related to early childhood development (ECD) and violence prevention. The coordinator will be responsible for participant and interventionist enrollment, supporting training materials development and facilitation, data collection and management, providing support to field staff and will liaise regularly with partner organizations, local government, and RPCA headquarters in Boston. The Program Coordinator will be based in Rwanda and report to the Program Manager based in Rwanda.

This case study is part of a series of case studies conducted in India, Kenya, Moldova and Uganda over the course of 2020-2022 to share information on how COVID-19 has and is affecting family-child reunification, alternative care placement, and offers recommendations for family- and community-based care of vulnerable children in the context of COVID-19 and future emergencies.

The Family Review set out to understand children and families’ perspectives on family life – from what family looks like in 2022 to the challenges facing families.

This virtual presentation on family reunification and reintegration in Rwanda and Cambodia, highlights examples of good practice in family reintegration and lessons learned about the role of government and public policy in fostering family reintegration. The event was hosted by the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative Platform Task Force on Family Reunification and Reintegration on September 20, 2022.

Această formare rapidă a fost concepută pentru a oferi informații familiilor de plasament (foster care) din Moldova în vederea pregătirii pentru plasamentul copiilor neînsoțiți și separați din Ucraina. Pachetul de formare include un PPT și un ghid al facilitatorului. Conținutul oferit în timpul programului de formare de șase ore include informații de bază despre traumele din copilărie, experiențele adverse din copilărie, elementele-cheie ale PFA, inclusiv "Privește, Ascultă și Leagă”, precum și înțelegerea modului în care se pot identifica și sprijini atât copiii care au trecut prin traume, cât și modul în care acestea se pot manifesta la diferite vârste și etape de dezvoltare.

Rebecca Nhep and Hannah Won - Better Care Network & Kinnected - an initiative of ACC International Relief, with support from Changing the Way We Care,

Welcome and Background to the Tool

This research looks at the planning and preparation that happens before leaving care in England. The report reflects the views of care leavers and whether the help they got when getting ready to leave care was what they needed, and how involved they were in the decisions made about their future.