
Displaying 3171 - 3180 of 14348

Jade Purtell, Philip Mendes and Bernadette J. Saunders - Children Australia,

This paper is a narrative review examining the high prevalence of care leaver early parenting in the context of (i) key transitions from care studies taken from the last few decades, (ii) a structured review using Scopus of studies from 2015–2020 focussed specifically on young people transitioning from care and early parenting and (iii) Boss’s (2010) Ambiguous Loss theory.

Ipsos MORI, The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge,

This report sets out the findings from the most comprehensive study of attitudes towards bringing up children from conception to 5 years ever undertaken in the United Kingdom.

Teresa Toguchi Swartz,

Through careful ethnography and rich in-depth interviews at a non-profit foster care agency, this book takes a look behind the scenes of the U.S. foster care system.

Johanna Caldwell, Ashleigh Delaye, Tonino Esposito, Tara Petti, Tara Black, Barbara Fallon, Nico Trocmé - Developmental Child Welfare,

In this commentary, the authors suggest that a focus on short-term risk in the response to COVID-19 may obscure support for children’s long-term outcomes.

Guro Brokke Omland, Agnes Andenas, Nora Sveaass - Child & Family Social Work,

Informed by developmental perspectives that consider young people's development through participation across contexts in everyday life and by research into how parents in ‘ordinary’ families organize care, the authors of this article developed a study based on interviews with 15 unaccompanied refugee minors and their professional caregivers at residential care institutions.

Rachael Knowles - National Indigenous Times,

"The removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families is continuing nationally at an alarming rate according to the 2020 Family Matters Report," says this article from the National Indigenous Times.

Family for Every Child,

This webinar heard from three of Family for Every Child's member organisations about their programmes to both integrate and reintegrate children on the move.

Bridget Davidson, Ellyn Schmidt, Carolina Mallar, Farah Mahmoud, William Rothenberg, Julieta Hernandez, Michelle Berkovits, Jason Jent, Alan Delamater, Ruby Natale - Translational Behavioral Medicine,

The authors of this study used a risk and resilience model to evaluate the effects of the pandemic on mental health in diverse caregivers with children ages birth to 5.

Jasmine Aguilera - Time,

This article from Time shares the stories of families who were separated at the U.S. border with Mexico who are now receiving free mental health services to address the trauma of family separation, as a result of a court order that requires the U.S. government to pay for it.

Family for Every Child,

This How We Care online event will hear from three local civil society organisations (Family for Every Child Members) on the work they are doing to promote the effective integration and reintegration of children.