
Displaying 3181 - 3190 of 14348

Kathryn Krase, Tobi DeLong Hamilton,

Child Welfare: Preparing Social Workers for Practice in the Field is a comprehensive text for child welfare courses taught from a social work perspective. This textbook provides a single source for all material necessary for a contextual child welfare course.

Katie Ellis, Claire Johnston,

The authors of this study conducted research with 234 care experienced university students in England and Wales to explore their experiences of the journey through care.

Silke Meyer and Rose-Marie Stambe - Journal of Interpersonal Violence,

In this study, data derived from 17 qualitative face-to-face interviews are used to explore the lived experiences of Indigenous mothers affected by domestic and family violence (DFV) in Australia.

Grace Gowdy and Sean Hogan - Children and Youth Services Review,

Using survey data provided on youths’ social networks, this study identified 378 informal mentoring relationships provided to 113 former and current foster youth preparing to enter a four-year university.

Gabriela Mejia-Pailles, Ann Berrington, Nuala McGrath, Victoria Hosegood - PLoS ONE,

In South Africa, large increases in early adult mortality during the 1990s and early 2000s have reversed since public HIV treatment rollout in 2004. In a rural population in KwaZulu-Natal, the authors of this study investigated trends in parental mortality and orphanhood from 2000–2014.

Rob Merrick - The Independent,

"Emergency care rules [in the UK] that snatched away safeguards dating back decades have been declared unlawful, in what has been called 'a huge victory for children’s rights,'" according to this article from the Independent.

Newsround - BBC News,

Children's Commissioner for England, Anne Longfield, "is calling for 'a system which recognises each family's unique situation and responds to the need of every child, wherever they are in the country, with the same standards of protection and support,'" says this article from BBC News.

Udayan Care, University of Hildesheim – Germany, Kinderperspectief, SOS Children’s Villages,

The International Care Leavers Convention brought together Care Leavers at an international level to amplify the voices of children and young people and provide them with a platform to learn, share and exchange experiences, knowledge and challenges. This document highlights some key takeaways from the event.

World Vision,

In this consultation,10 girls and 10 boys in Albania and Kosovo were interviewed and shared their views and experiences of the outbreak of COVID-19. Additionally, 515 girls and boys were surveyed to understand the impact of the pandemic on their lives.

Monya Ferritti and Anna Guerrieri - Educazione Interculturale,

This article, thanks to data collected by family associations, intends to investigate multiple intersectionality of students with adoptive background by highlighting the most important problems, the school’s and healthcare’s interventions to address those problems and the possible additional and complementary actions that can be put into place to encourage inclusion and integration of disabled students with adoptive and ethnically different backgrounds.