Resource Center on COVID-19 and Children's Care

This section includes resources on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to child protection and children's care.

News on COVID-19 and Children's Care

Webinars and Events on COVID-19 Response 


Displaying 131 - 140 of 748

Bethany Christian Services,

This report summarizes findings from a mixed-methods case study of innovations and challenges within four Bethany foster care locations in the U.S.: Atlanta, Georgia; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Detroit, Michigan; and Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Gary Barker, Aapta Garg, Brian Heilman, Nikki van der Gaag, and Rachel Mehaffey - Promundo-US,

The State of the World’s Fathers 2021 report – the fourth in the series – presents research on care work during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on structural barriers that prevent equitable distribution of caregiving between women and men.

End Violence Partnership,

INSPIRING Ways to End Violence Against Children's new series of podcast episodes explore organisations’ efforts to protect children – and adapt to challenges – during COVID-19.

Eriks Development Partner, Kinnected, Better Care Network, World Childhood Foundation, and Griffith University Law Centre,

This case study is drawn from the Impact of COVID-19 on Privately Run Residential Care Institutions Study. It presents a summary of the account given by one participant.


The COVID-19 Global Gender Response Tracker monitors responses taken by governments worldwide to tackle the pandemic, and highlights those that have integrated a gender lens.


Through a diverse range of examples of how people are meeting the challenge of responding to the effects of this public health emergency, CELCIS hopes to record, reflect on, inform, and inspire others about the impact that these are having in the lives of care experienced children and young people, and all those who work and volunteer across public and voluntary services to support them.

Dr Autumn Roesch-Marsh, Kenny McGhee and Dr Fern Gillon - CELCIS,

This report shares the findings of a focused piece of research carried out in Scotland by CELCIS and partners at the University of Edinburgh. The aim of the research was to understand care leavers' experiences of digital exclusion before and during the COVID-19 restrictions in Scotland in 2020.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,

This report presents child protection data from March to September 2020 (covering the ‘first wave’ of COVID-19 restrictions for Australia, and part of the ‘second wave’ of restrictions for Victoria) with comparisons to the same period in 2019.

Better Care Network, Law Futures Centre - Griffith Law School, World Childhood Foundation, Eriks Development Partner,

This briefing paper draws on data and findings from the report: Impact of COVID-19 on Privately Run Residential Care Institutions: Insights and Implications for Advocacy and Awareness Raising.

Better Care Network, Law Futures Centre - Griffith Law School, World Childhood Foundation, Eriks Development Partner,

เอกสารสรุปนี้ดึงข้อมูลและผลการวิจัยจากรายงาน: ผลกระทบของ COVID-19 ต่อสถาบันการดูแลที่อยู่อาศัยที่ดำเนินการโดยเอกชน: ข้อมูลเชิงลึกและนัยสำหรับการสนับสนุนและการให้ความรู้