Resource Center on COVID-19 and Children's Care

This section includes resources on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to child protection and children's care.

News on COVID-19 and Children's Care

Webinars and Events on COVID-19 Response 


Displaying 661 - 670 of 752

Family for Every Child,

In this podcast series, Family for Every Child's CEO, Amanda Griffith, holds conversations with Members of the Family for Every Child Alliance to explore the topic of Care during COVID-19.

The Alliance for Children Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF, Save the Children,

This paper presents evidence of how social protection approaches can contribute to child protection outcomes and outlines recommendations which call for strong mobilization and uptake by governments, UN and multilateral development agencies, regional bodies, donors, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Organizações da Sociedade Civil ,

No ano de 2019, o mundo foi assolado pela eclosão do novo Coronavírus com os primeiros casos detectados na China.


In an effort to provide the community with helpful resources during the coronavirus pandemic, WQED has put together a collection of resources. 

Asia-Pacific Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group,

This resource outlines the gender impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, including the greater risk of exploitation and violence for women and children, as well as some recommendations for mitigating and responding to these challenges.

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This webpage from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University features a list of links to national and international resources that can help with a variety of concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia,

This post from the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia website describes how UNICEF is mobilizing to protect marginalized and vulnerable children – including those with disabilities – against the impact of COVID 19 in the region.

International Disability Alliance,

On this page, you will find stories from people with various disabilities across the globe sharing their experiences with the COVID-19 outbreak and pandemic risk reduction strategies implemented by their governments.

Changing the Way We Care,

Această mapă, de asemenea, ajută programelor la adaptare, reorganizare și determinarea priorității activităților de prevenire și răspuns.

Evan Harris - CHLB Scholarship,

The author of this article argues that "by authorizing the rapid expulsion of vulnerable persons despite limited epidemiological justification as well as clear legal alternatives, the order stands as a gross violation of the United States’ historical policy to welcome and protect those seeking refuge at our borders."