Social Service Workforce Strengthening

A strong social service workforce is critical to meeting the needs of children without adequate family care.  From government policy-makers, local administrators, researchers and social workers, to educators, community workers and care providers, social service actors play a key role in protecting girls and boys and promoting their care.

Displaying 391 - 400 of 484

Johanna Sundqvist, Jonas Hansson, Mehdi Ghazinour, Kenneth Ögren & Mojgan Padyab - Global Journal of Health Science,

This study aimed to bridge the gap in knowledge of the relationship between general mental health and working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking refugee children who are due for forced repatriation for social workers and police officers in Sweden.

ECPAT Germany, Tourism Watch, Bread for the World, Working Group - Tourism & Development (akte) ,

This publication serves as a guide for responsible voluntourism, both for volunteers and volunteer tour operators.

Jini Roby, Semillas de Esperanza Guatemala de Buckner Internacional y la Escuela de Estudios Judiciales, del Organismo Judicial de Guatemala,

Este taller está diseñado para entrenar los expertos técnicos en los valores y principios básicos involucrados en la labor del trabajo de Protección de  Niñez y Adolescencia.

Martyn Higgins, Annabel Goodyer & Andrew Whittaker - Social Work Education: The International Journal ,

This paper discusses and examines the lessons learned from the Munro Review relevant for looked after children. The Munro Review provides an analysis of the current state of the child protection system, challenging bureaucratised practice and arguing for a reclaiming of professional social work identity, knowledge and understanding.

The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare,

This toolkit, originally published in September 2010 and updated in February 2015, serves as a resource for social workers in the US who are working with immigrant families within the child welfare system.

Megan L. Dolbin-MacNab - GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy ,

This practice brief provides an overview of critical self-reflection questions that can be used, in a variety of ways, for training purposes for professionals in the US who work with grandparents raising grandchildren.

Ramsey County Community Human Services,

In the fall of 2007, Ramsey County Community Human Services (RCCHSD) was one of five sites chosen as recipients of a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Children’s Bureau (USDHHS) for the“Using Comprehensive Family Assessments to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes” project, to develop a model of comprehensive family assessment to be used in child welfare. 

Better Care Network Netherlands,

Through these guidelines BCN Netherlands hopes to prevent unintentional harm to children and to promote that exclusively those who can transfer their knowledge and experience to local professionals are deployed as volunteers working with vulnerable children.

Memory Jayne Tembo and Siv Oltedal - Journal of Comparative Social Work,

This article discusses professional discretion in relation to placing a child outside the family, as understood by Malawian social workers. 

Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This working paper, produced by the Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, explores the topic of social service workforce strengthening as it relates to child care reform.