Social Service Workforce Strengthening

A strong social service workforce is critical to meeting the needs of children without adequate family care.  From government policy-makers, local administrators, researchers and social workers, to educators, community workers and care providers, social service actors play a key role in protecting girls and boys and promoting their care.

Displaying 361 - 370 of 484

Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This package is a compilation of resources and new evidence for case management and supervision of humanitarian workers in responding to child protection situations.

Elizabeth Claire Reimer - Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics,

This qualitative study explored a relational practice approach with parents whose children have been removed into out-of-home care in Australia. 

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development - Uganda,

This manual is intended to train Para-social workers who are a non-formal “workforce” that constitute the largest but yet undefined group of caregivers who provide support and services to vulnerable children and families, particularly in low and middle income countries (GSSA, 2016).

SOS Children’s Villages International,

The European Recommendations on the implementation of a child rights-based approach for care professionals working with and for children highlights the steps to be undertaken to develop a child care service workforce capable of applying a child rights-based approach to their work.

Better Care Network,

A summary of the International Alternative Care Conference 2016 via Storify.

Annie E. Casey Foundation ,

This self-assessment and planning tool is intended for nonprofits and schools working with families to provide services that more effectively reach and engage parents in fostering their children's development. 

Almudena Moreno - Journal of Children's Services,

The purpose of this paper is to map the current organisation and implementation of children’s services in three regions of Spain, to identify strengths and gaps and to suggest proposals for improvement in line with European recommendations.

M. Àngels Balsells, Nuria Fuentes-Peláez, Maribel Mateo, J. M. Torralba & Verónica Violant - European Journal of Social Work,

This research addresses the need to go deeper into the acquisition and consolidation of the core professional competences for running socio-educational groups with foster families.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This report captures what has been accomplished in social service workforce strengthening in eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and highlights areas for future intervention. Progress made to strengthen the social service workforce within these countries is useful when reflecting on global trends and ways forward.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

 This report includes a summary of each of the panel discussions at the symposium, as well as the questions asked, and provides the text of the opening and closing remarks from the event.