Standards of Care

Standards of care are approved criteria for measuring and monitoring the management, provision and quality of child care services and their outcomes. Such standards are required for all child care provision, including day care, kinship, foster and institutional care.

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Christina Groark, Robert McCall, Rifkat Muhamedrahimov, Natalia Nikoforova and Oleg Palmov,

Through a review of orphanages in St. Petersburg, Russia, this study examines the causal roles of consistency in caregivers and appropriate caregiving behaviors in the social, emotional, and development of young children.

Andy Bilson, Louise Fox, Ragnar Gotestam, and Judith Harwin,

Contains practical tools and policy guidance for family and child welfare policy makers and practitioners. Relevant topics include gatekeeping, redirecting resources into preventive and family based services, and standards of care.

Department of Health, England,

A set of standards for ensuring welfare protection at boarding schools. It includes standards and outcomes that outline a school’s welfare policies and procedures, organization and management, welfare support to boarders, staffing, and premises.

Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development ,

Brief overview of successes, challenges, threats and programmatic best practices in addressing the needs of children affected by AIDS.

Department of Health, UK ,

A set of standards for the delivery of a national fostering service. It includes standards for the management of the service, the delivery of care, reunification with birth families, and working with caregivers.

K. Siroka,

Brief guidelines on assessing and training foster carers, and supporting children in foster care placements.

Department of Health, England,

A set of standards for ensuring positive welfare, health and education in children’s homes. It includes standards and outcomes on planning for care, quality of care, complaints and protection, care and control, environment, staffing, management and administration, and specialist provision.

Action for the Rights of Children,

Resource pack for a rigorous course on international legal standards for children. Includes notes for facilitators, participatory exercises, overheads, and handouts.

Ministry of Women and Child Development, India,

This blank form from the Ministry of Women and Child Development of India is designed for use during an audit of a children’s home. 


Regulations on foster care arrangements in Moldova, including the process of recruiting carers, the conditions of placements, and financial measures.