Foster Care

The term “foster care” is used in a variety of ways, and, consequently, it often causes confusion and miscommunication. In the industrialized world it is generally used to refer to formal, temporary placements made by the State with families that are trained, monitored and compensated at some level. In many developing countries, however, fostering is kinship care or other placement with a family, the objective(s) of which may include the care of the child, the child’s access to education, and/or the child’s doing some type of work for the foster family.

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Lenore M. McWey, Ming Cui, Ashley N. Cooper, Thomas Ledermann - Child Maltreatment,

The goal of this study was to investigate the levels of disagreement on adolescent mental health symptoms among caregivers and adolescents in foster care, to examine factors associated with caregiver–adolescent discrepancies, and the potential moderating role of caregiver–child closeness on the link between the length of time the youth lived with caregivers and discrepancies regarding adolescent mental health symptoms.

Better Care Network,

This Country Care Review includes the care-related concluding observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.

Harmke Leloux-Opmeer, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Hanna T. Swaab, Evert M. Scholte - Children and Youth Services Review,

The study consisted of a comparative follow-up study with a pretest-posttest design which explored the association between baseline child, family, and care characteristics and the psychosocial development of 121 schoolaged Dutch children during their first year of placement in foster care (FC), family-style group care (FGC), and residential care (RC).

Arno Parolini, Aron Shlonsky, Joseph Magruder, Andrea Lane Eastman, Fred Wulczyn, Daniel Webster - Data in Brief,

This article describes a dataset containing information on children exiting to kinship guardianship in California between 2003 and 2010.

Rita Gradaille, Carme Montserrat, Lluís Ballester - Children and Youth Services Review,

The goal of the article is to analyze the characteristics and experiences of youths when they leave care and their first years in transition from foster care to adulthood.

Jamie Cage, Nicole A. Corley, Leon A. Harris - Children and Youth Services Review,

Using an intersectional framework, this study investigated whether race and gender alone or the intersection of race and gender predicted the educational attainment of 429 maltreated youth involved with the U.S. child welfare system.

Jan P. Basiaga, Anna Róg, Beata Zięba‐Kołodziej - Child & Family Social Work,

This study examined the extent to which professional foster families fulfil their tasks to reintegrate families, what attitudes professional foster families assume towards the idea of reintegration, and to what extent and how professional foster families support a child separated from his or her family and parents in the process of reintegration.

Gunvor Andersson - Child & Family Social Work,

This study examined the relationships between adults, ages 25-39, who had been in care as children and their birth parents.

Udayan Care,

This is the report of the 3rd Biennial International Conference (3rd BICON) on “Evolving Trends in Alternative Care for Children in South Asia” that was convened by Udayan Care on March 16 & 17, 2018 at Amity University, Noida NCR (India).

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),

This Manual sets the minimum standards and policies for the protection and care of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) within a foster care arrangement in Malaysia.