United Kingdom

List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Judith Burns - BBC News ,

The UK has recently introduced new rules requiring councils to provide support to children who stay in foster families beyond the age of 18.

Kate Morris, Sue White, Paula Doherty, and Lisa Warwick - Children & Family Social Work,

This paper draws on a British Academy (BA) funded study exploring social workers’ conceptions of family using a vignette and focus groups. 

Kristen E. Cheney - Open Democracy,

This article describes the so-called “orphan industrial complex” and the ways in which it harms children, families, and communities in the Global South.

Kenny McGhee - CELCIS Inform,

This Inform briefing provides an overview of information, policy and legislation and outlines the importance of good housing and accommodation options that improve outcomes for care leavers.

Di Hart and Ivana La Valle (University of East London) with Lisa Holmes (CCfR, Loughborough University) - Department for Education,

This rapid review of the literature on residential care for looked-after children in the UK aims to describe the use of residential care for children within the child welfare systems of England and other relevant countries; review the evidence on children’s outcomes from residential care; and review the quality of the evidence and identify gaps in the evidence base in order to inform future research priorities.

HM Government, UK,

Volume 2 of the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations provides guidance, primarily addressed to local authorities and their staff in England, about their functions under Part 3 of the Children Act 1989 which concerns the provision of local authority support for children and families. In particular it describes how local authorities should carry out their responsibilities in relation to care planning, placement and case review for looked after children.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) ,

This guideline covers how organisations, professionals and carers can work together to deliver high quality care, stable placements and nurturing relationships for looked-after children and young people in England. 

Andrew Briggs - Towards Belonging: Negotiating New Relationships for Adopted Children and Those in Care,

The ideas and questions raised in this chapter derive from the referrals of children in care or adopted whom the author has seen for psychotherapy.

Jim Walker - Towards Belonging: Negotiating New Relationships for Adopted Children and Those in Care,

This chapter explores the idea of belonging through the lens of attachment theory.

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board (NSCB),

The 'Tackling CSE Toolkit' is designed to assist frontline practitioners working with children in identifying Child Sexual Exploitation and taking appropriate action.