
Displaying 8081 - 8090 of 14348

News Agency of Nigeria,

The government of Nigeria is being called on to pass a bill to help put an end to the use of "baby factories" in the country, according to this article from the News Agency of Nigeria.

Amanda Holpuch - The Guardian,

According to this article from the Guardian, the US government has separated 429 asylum-seeking families in the past two years.

CRS, 4Children Project,

This brief of referral mechanisms within the context of OVC programs describes the different types of referral mechanisms and describes key components of setting up a functioning referral system.

4Children, Catholic Relief Services,

This case study is one in a series of case studies highlighting different aspects of a case management system and referral mechanisms utilized by OVC programs. The case study presents a program in Mozambique that could be identified as a hub and spoke model of referral mechanism.

Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children), Catholic Relief Services,

This case study is one in a series of case studies highlighting different aspects of a case management system and referral mechanisms utilized by OVC programs. The case study looks at the work of the Children in Distress Network (CINDI) in the uMgungundlovu District of KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN) of South Africa.

Forber-Pratt Ian Anand, Bhandakkar Bhagyashri, Sharma Rajesh, Dattani Maya, Prasad Leena - Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond,

This article is an analysis of a State sponsored scheme in Rajasthan, the Palanhar Yojana, which has been successful in demonstrating the success of the scheme as an instrument of family strengthening.

Tyagi Richa - Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond,

This article discusses emerging trends in deinstitutionalisation and alternative care avenues nationally and internationally and examines the Miracle Foundation's evolution from a residential care provider to a family-based care and family strengthening organization.

Sherryn Groch - Canberra Times,

Indigenous children in the Australian capital of Canberra are highly overrepresented in the child protection system, according to this article from the Canberra Times.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Officer in Ethiopia.

Karmen Toros, Diana DiNitto, Anne Tiko - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article describes the results of a scoping review to better understand child welfare professionals' and service users' (families' and children's) perspectives on and experiences with family engagement in the child protection system.