
Displaying 591 - 600 of 14481

Ashley L. Landers - The Conversation,

Native American mothers whose children were separated from them – either through child removal for assimilation into residential boarding schools or through coerced adoption – experience the kind of grief no parent should ever feel. Yet theirs is a loss that is ongoing, with no sense of meaning or closure.

Changing the Way We Care,

Disability inclusion means breaking down barriers to promote a society that values diversity and accessibility for everyone. In 2023, Changing the Way We Care Kenya included a disability inclusion reflection learning exercise aimed at collecting views and feedback, and documenting how the initiative had impacted on lives of caregivers and children with disabilities, and how disability issues were be included in the care reform agenda.

Changing the Way We Care,

The process of changing the model of service provided by an organization from one that is residential care service focused to a non-residentia

Changing the Way We Care,

Family strengthening is comprehensive strengths-based approaches, supports and services to families at risk of separation or those receiving

Changing the Way We Care,

Case management is used with both families at risk of separation and those where children have already separated and are in the process of being reintegrated, including biological family or placed into an alternative family (e.g., foster or kinship). The end goal of case management is that children are safe and nurtured within a family that is able to care for them, and access needed services that address risks and increase resilience.   

Changing the Way We Care,

This insight from Changing the Way We Care provides an overview of the household economic strengthening (HES) activities that were part of a holistic family strengthening approach in Kenya.

Michael Hoffmeister,

This analysis considers foster care regulations in three jurisdictions in Finland, New Zealand, and Wisconsin, USA, and the effects of policy decisions on eligibility for relative caregivers and placement options for children in out-of-home care.


This report provides critical evidence for decision-makers across countries to use in both policy and programming. The report’s objective is to promote the use of these data to make children with disabilities in Europe and Central Asia more visible, bringing about a fuller understanding of their life experiences.

Changing the Way We Care,

Ghidul de suport pentru implementarea practică a Managementului de caz în domeniul protecției copilului este destinat angajaților structurilor teritoriale de asistență socială.

Changing the Way We Care,

Conferința internațională “Finanțarea serviciilor sociale pentru copii și familii în contextul Agendei de Asociere Republica Moldova – Uniunea Europeană” este un eveniment anual organizat sub egida Parlamentului Republicii Moldova în colaborare cu