
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 173,620,000
  • Population under 15: 46%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 52.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 152 out of 187
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 3.2%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.6 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 19%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 49%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, UNAIDS, DHS 2013

Displaying 4321 - 4330 of 14393

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Tujuan dari Catatan Teknis ini adalah untuk membantu praktisi perlindungan anak dan pejabat pemerintah dalam respons seketika mereka terhadap permasalahan perlindungan anak yang dihadapi anak yang berisiko terpisah [dari orang tua] atau dalam pengasuhan alternatif selama pandemi Covid-19.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

O objetivo desta Nota Técnica é auxiliar os representantes governamentais e os profissionais que atuam na proteção da criança e do adolescente em sua resposta imediata às preocupações relativas à proteção de crianças e adolescentes que estão em risco de separação ou sob cuidados alternativos durante a pandemia de COVID-19.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Scopul acestei Note Tehnice este de a sprijini specialiștii din domeniul protecției copilului și funcționarii Guvernului în a reacționa imediat la îngrijorările privind protecția copilului, cu care se confruntă copiii expuși riscului de a fi separați de familie sau cei aflați în îngrijire alternativă în perioada pandemiei de COVID-19.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

The aim of this Technical Note is to support child protection practitioners and government officials in their immediate response to the child protection concerns faced by children who are at risk of separation or in alternative care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

El objetivo de esta Nota Técnica es apoyar a los profesionales de la Protección de la Niñez y Adolescencia y los funcionarios del gobierno en su respuesta inmediata a los problemas que enfrenta la Protección de la Niñez y Adolescencia en lo que respecta a los niños y niñas en riesgo de separación o en cuidado alternativo durante la pandemia de la COVID-19.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

The aim of this Technical Note is to support child protection practitioners and government officials in their immediate response to the child protection concerns faced by children who are at risk of separation or in alternative care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kim Hokanson, Sarah Elizabeth Neville, Samantha Teixeira, Erin Singer, Stephanie Cosner Berzin - Child Welfare,

This study uses interviews with 20 youth formerly in foster care who exhibit better-than-average outcomes to explore contextual aspects of resilience during emerging adulthood, elucidating how both relational and organizational support contribute to their resiliency.

Human Rights Watch,

In this video from Human Rights Watch, kids talk about the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on children.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Този придружаващ документ към Техническата бележка на Междуведомствената работна група относно Закрила на детето по време на пандемията КОВИД -19: Деца и алтернативна грижа Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Children and Alternative Care предоставя полезни съвети за насърчаване участието на всички заинтересовани страни, което е от ключово значение, за да не бъдат прекъснати услугите за деца.

Better Care Network, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, and UNICEF and Inter-agency Task Force,

Целта на тази „Специализирана информация“ е да подпомогне работещите в сферата на закрила на детето и правителствените служители в незабавния им отговор на проблемите, пред които се изправят децата, които са в риск от разделяне със семейството или в алтернативна грижа по време на пандемията от Ковид-19.