
Displaying 11391 - 11400 of 14348

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This KIDS COUNT policy report highlights the benefits of family care for children and the need to prioritize family settings for all children in the child welfare system in the United States.

Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister - The World Post,

In this article for the World Post (a collaboration of the Huffington Post and Berggruen Institute), UK’s former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, explains the danger of child trafficking that has followed the earthquake in Nepal and calls for the establishment of a humanitarian fund for education in emergencies.

Nina Berglund - NewsinEnglish.no,

Norway’s child welfare agency (Barnevernet) has come under recent scrutiny for its practices regarding children of immigrant parents. According to the article, children of immigrant parents make up 40% of foster care placements.

Santilla Chingaipe - SBS World News Radio,

This report from SBS World News Radio highlights recent changes to Haiti’s adoption system in response to increased dangers of child trafficking and exploitation since the 2010 earthquake.

Hope and Homes for Children,

Hope and Homes for Children announces that the last child has just been moved out of Rwanda’s oldest and largest institution.

Better Volunteering, Better Care Initiative,

Highlights recent activities of the members of the Better Volunteering, Better Care Global Working Group in response to the earthquake in Nepal, as well as other relevant resources and articles.



À la veille de l’adoption du Programme de l’Union européenne en matière de migration, l’UNICEF demande que les droits et le bien-être des enfants migrants soient placés au cœur même de la politique d’immigration européenne. Ce sont les enfants qui migrent seuls, sans leurs parents ni adultes de leur famille, qui courent les plus gros risques.


UNICEF is calling for the rights and wellbeing of migrant children to be at the heart of Europe’s immigration policy.

Elise Hu - NPR,

This article sheds light on a growing movement in South Korea to accept and embrace single mothers.

UNICEF Nepal ,

UNICEF Nepal has produced a “What you should know” FAQ sheet on orphanage volunteering in Nepal for distribution, as well as an infographic that can be used to encourage people not to donate to orphanages in Nepal.