Social Service Workforce Strengthening

A strong social service workforce is critical to meeting the needs of children without adequate family care.  From government policy-makers, local administrators, researchers and social workers, to educators, community workers and care providers, social service actors play a key role in protecting girls and boys and promoting their care.

Displaying 251 - 260 of 477

Yashoda Upreti - RISE Learning Network,

In this webinar from RISE Learning Network, the speaker, Yashoda Upreti shares how Terre des Hommes in Nepal has implemented a case management program.

Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children), Catholic Relief Services,

This case study is one in a series of case studies highlighting different aspects of a case management system and referral mechanisms utilized by OVC programs. The case study looks at the work of the Children in Distress Network (CINDI) in the uMgungundlovu District of KwaZulu-Natal Province (KZN) of South Africa.

4Children, Catholic Relief Services,

This case study is one in a series of case studies highlighting different aspects of a case management system and referral mechanisms utilized by OVC programs. The case study presents a program in Mozambique that could be identified as a hub and spoke model of referral mechanism.

Sabrina M Richardson, Tuppett M Yates - Journal of Social Work,

This study examined communication between 51 transition-aged foster youth and their social workers as related to perceived relationship quality and satisfaction with care receipt/provision.

Lester J Thomspon, David Wadley - International Social Work,

Through qualitative interviews with local child protection workers, this paper indicates that traditional values assist legislative intervention and that significant potential exists in better integration of Indigenous approaches into practice.

Ainoa Mateos Inchaurrondo PhD, Nuria Fuentes-Peláez PhD, Crescencia Pastor Vicente PhD, Anna Mundet Bolós PhD - Child & Family Social Work,

This quantitative study contributes knowledge regarding the attitude of professionals towards positive parenting and child participation.

Miriam Schiff PhD, Rachel Dekel PhD, Ohad Gilbar MSW, Rami Benbenishty PhD - Child & Family Social Work,

This study examined the associations between exposure to armed conflict, perceived support, work experience, needing help, and post-traumatic distress among Israeli social workers in foster care agencies based on Conservation of Resources theory.

Government of Ghana, UNICEF,

The objective of this evaluation is to document and assess how the capacity of the child protection system in Ghana—in particular the practices of the Social Welfare Actors (SWA)—has changed to enable the provision of quality services to children and families with support of the workforce strengthening (WFS) initiative. 

Merav Jedwab, Anusha Chatterjee, Terry V. Shaw - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study presents findings from a survey of child welfare caseworkers' experiences with reunifications and focuses on practices and key factors at the casework practice and at the system-environment level to assist in achieving successful reunification.

Rose Chahla & Rose Chahla - Journal of Social Work,

In this sample of 160 retained specially-trained public child welfare workers and former students, sources of stress and satisfaction were examined three and five years after the conclusion of the students’ work obligation.