This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
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Add New DataDevelopment of Integrated Social Care Services for Vulnerable Families and Children at Risk in Moldova
Care Reform Workshop Report
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by partners at Lumos and Changing the Way We Care.
Displaying 31 - 40 of 197
This first International Conference on Financing of Family Strengthening and Child Protection Services in the Context of Moldova’s European Union Association Agenda held in Chisinau from 20-21 June 2023 has been a focused discussion between central and local government, non-governmental, private and academic sectors, international experts and organizations, on ensuring adequate public financing for strengthening families and protecting children, and meeting the challenges associated.
Acest studiu analizează serviciile sociale de tip familial existente în Republica Moldova: Asistența parentală profesionistă (APP) și Casele de copii de tip familial (CCTF), cu scopul de a identifica argumente privind unificarea celor două servicii de îngrijire de tip familial APP/CCTF din perspectiva calității îngrijirii copiilor și a interesului superior al copiilor. Studiul include o analiză comparativă a cadrului de reglementare a serviciilor familiale alternative și recomandări privind posibilitatea și fezabilitatea unificării serviciilor sociale. Studiul a concluzionat faptul că, pentru a îmbunătăți calitatea și accesul la serviciile de îngrijire de tip familial pentru copiii aflați în situații de risc, se recomandă unificarea serviciilor APP și CCTF, revizuirea cadrului juridic al serviciului APP și luarea în considerare a celor mai pozitive aspecte ale ambelor servicii.
In June 2022, hundreds of care reform leaders gathered to discuss the importance of providing adequate public financing to strengthen families and protect children in Moldova and across the globe. Conference speakers advocated for the provision of a minimum packages of services for families and children.
Olesea, a 24-year old from Moldova with care experience, shares her story of transitioning from a child care institution to foster care.
Alexander is one of many Ukrainian teenagers who fled to Moldova unaccompanied. Thanks to the partnership between border police, child protection specialists working with UNICEF and local authorities, he was identified and integrated into a foster family from Causeni. Since the onset of the conflict, one of UNICEF's biggest priorities has been to protect children from abuse or trafficking.
In March 2022, Changing the Way We Care in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MoLSP) launched a Working Group focused on strengthening the social service workforce in Moldova.
This learning brief was developed as part of the CTWWC 2021 annual report and shares learning from Kenya and Moldova. It is intended to share what the initiative has learned about gathering data and helping governments and their partners to use it for strategizing care reform.
După 60 de ani de activitate în calitate de instituție rezidențială pentru copii cu dizabilități, Școala-Internat Auxiliară Hîncești (SIA Hîncești) din Moldova și-a închis, în cele din urmă, ușile în mai 2022. Închiderea SIA Hîncești și reint
After 60 years of serving as a residential institution for children with disabilities, the Hîncești Auxiliary Boarding school (SIA Hîncești) in Moldova closed its doors to children in May 2022. The closing of Hîncești SIA serves as a harbinger for what is possible for other institutions for children with disabilities in Moldova and around the world.
This web application was developed to allow for the exploration of various scenarios in the field of education, health, and child protection. The application offers a platform for the analysis of historical trends and patterns using a combination of open data and proprietary data shared by the Government of Moldova.