
This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.

List of Organisations


Demographic Data

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44.01 million
Total Population
UNPD, 2018
7.70 million
Total Population Under 18
Population Under 18
Mean Household Size
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019); DHS, 2007
Prevalence of Female-Headed Households
MICS 2012
Lower Middle-Income Country
World Bank GNI Status
World Bank, 2018
Living Below Poverty Line
World Bank, 2018
GINI Coefficient
World Bank, 2018
Human Development Index
UNDP Human Development Report, 2018


Children's Living Arrangements

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Living with Both Parents
MICS, 2012
*children aged 0-17
Living with One Parent
MICS, 2012
*children aged 0-17
Living with Neither Parent
MICS, 2012
*children aged 0-17


Children Living Without Biological Parents

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Both Parents Alive
MICS 2012
One Parent Dead
MICS 2012
Both Parents Dead
MICS 2012

Children at Risk of Separation

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Children living below poverty line
Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020
“A significant proportion of children are living in residential institutions based on written requests from parents who are unable to meet the child's needs because of illness, alcoholism, poverty or unemployment. Such parents consider placement of their children in specialized institutions as the only opportunity to ensure proper care and education.” (Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020)
Children with Disabilities
Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020
The 2020 Alternative NGO report to the UNCRC states that "Instead of introducing regulations that improve the situation of families and contribute to raising the parental capacity, the legislation offers "relief" to parents by placing their children in boarding schools. Thus, the LoU "Fundamentals of the Ukrainian Legislation on Health Care"99 stipulates that for citizens with children facing problems of physical or mental development who require medical, social assistance and special care, the state can provide assistance by keeping children at babies' homes, children's homes, orphanages and other specialized child-care institutions at the expense of the state according to the will of parents or persons who replace them.'"
Left Behind Children (Migration)
Alternative NGO Report to UNCRC, 2020
“In situations where [unaccompanied migrant] children have relatives ready to take care of them (and sometimes capable parents), are defined as ‘left without care,’ [they] are placed to the transit facilities and returned to countries of origin, where these children often do not have any social ties.” (Alternative NGO Report to UNCRC, 2020)
Children experiencing violence
Alternative NGO Report to UNCRC, 2020
“Residential institutions are the most common form of placement of children separated from parents due to poverty, violence, disability, special educational needs of the child, etc.” (Alternative NGO Report to UNCRC, 2020)
Children of Parents Experiencing Illness
Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020
“A significant proportion of children are living in residential institutions based on written requests from parents who are unable to meet the child's needs because of illness, alcoholism, poverty or unemployment. Such parents consider placement of their children in specialized institutions as the only opportunity to ensure proper care and education.” (Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020)
Children of Parents Experiencing Substance Abuse
Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020
“A significant proportion of children are living in residential institutions based on written requests from parents who are unable to meet the child's needs because of illness, alcoholism, poverty or unemployment. Such parents consider placement of their children in specialized institutions as the only opportunity to ensure proper care and education.” (Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020)
Children Lacking Access to Services and Inclusive Education
Opening Doors for Europe's Children Ukraine Factsheet 2018
Over 90% of children in institutions are placed in these facilities "due to such reasons as poverty, social vulnerability of families, lack of services or inclusive education in the community." (Opening Doors for Europe's Children Ukraine Factsheet 2018)

Formal Alternative Care Arrangements

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0 Families/Parents
0 Children
0 Families/Parents
0 Children
Total Family-Based Alternative Care
- - Families/Parents
13,689 Children
Opening Doors for Europe's Children 2018
Foster Care
- - Foster Families/Foster Parents
13,689 Children
Opening Doors for Europe's Children 2018
Formal Kinship Care
- - Families/Parents
- - Children
According to the Opening Doors for Europe's Children 2018 Fact Sheet, "at the beginning of 2018, there were 13,689 children in foster care and 51,101 children in kinship care."
Total Residential Care
759 Settings
104,000 Children
Opening Doors for Europe's Children 2018
Institutional Care
759 Settings
104,000 Children
Out of this total, 38 baby homes held 2,755 children between 0 and 3 years old.
Opening Doors for Europe's Children 2018

Parental Survivorship

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Children with Both Parents Alive
MICS 2012
Children with One Parent Alive
MICS 2012
Children with Both Parents Dead
MICS 2012

Progress Indicators

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Social Welfare Spending
Alternative Care Policy in Line with the 2009 Guidelines
Source: Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020
In their Alternative Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a collective of Ukrainian NGOs calls on the Government of Ukraine to "bring national legislation in line with the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, in particular with regard to the definitions of 'alternative child care', 'institutional care', 'family-based care', decision-making on child placement, mandatory review of such decisions, and child participation." The report also calls on the government to "bring in line Article 143 (paragraph 3) of the Family Code on the possibility of depriving a child with a disability in a maternity hospital with Article 9 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child." Policies include: Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution on Conditions and Functioning of Guardianship Care Authorities #866; The Law of Ukraine for Ensuring Organizational and Regulatory Conditions for Social Protection of Orphan Children and Children without Parental Care.
Centralised Authority on Adoption
No Data
Commitment to Deinstitutionalistion
National Strategy on Reform of Institutional Care System for 2017-2026 and Action Plan
The Alternative NGO Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) notes that “the expected results of the Strategy do not match with the resources allocated. It will be therefore difficult to reduce the number of children in residential institutions by 10% starting from 2018.” However “on a positive note, it is worth noting that in 2016, several regulations were amended, which improved the status of orphans and children deprived of parental care, and became an important step in the deinstitutionalization.” A 2020 Call to Action coordinated by Hope and Homes for Children and Lumos further notes that care reform progress "so far has not been comprehensive and has been met with significant challenges that serve to preserve the current institutional system and risk rolling back the overall process of deinstitutionalisation." The Call to Action also states that "Recent high-level political statements and legislative initiatives are creating a ‘backdoor’ through which many children could be placed unnecessarily in institutions, bypassing the gatekeeping mechanisms that were designed to ensure that no child needlessly enters an institution. For instance, on January 16, 2020 a law was approved which allows the creation of pensions for residence, instead of internats, within special boarding schools. And on 21 August 2020 an order was issued, requesting to amend and exclude special boarding schools, education and rehabilitation centres and sanatorium boarding schools for children from the National Strategy for Deinstitutionalisation. If implemented, this decision would affect more than 50.000 children warehoused across 353 institutions, many of whom have a disability, developmental disorder and/or illness."
Comprehensive Child Protection Law
Source: Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020
Laws include: The Law of Ukraine on Protection of Childhood, The Law of Ukraine for Ensuring Organizational and Regulatory Conditions for Social Protection of Orphan Children and Children without Parental Care, The Family Code of Ukraine, The Civil Code of Ukraine; Law of Ukraine for prevention of and addressing to violence; Law of Ukraine on Access of Personal Data and Information; Law on public service; Law on Social Services
Continuum of Alternative Care Services Available
Law No. 2342-IV defines the following forms of placement: adoption, guardianship, foster care, family-type orphanage, baby home, children's home, boarding school (Kryvachuk, 2018)
"The development of family- and community-based care has been very limited. In other words, services to support families and children are not available. There are also limited family-based care alternatives." (Building a rights-based child protection system in Ukraine, free from institutions, December 2020).
Data System
National Deinstitutionalisation statistical platform:
Existence of a Regulatory Body and Regulatory System
No Data
The Alternative NGO Report to the CRC calls on the government to "strengthen the legislative and regulatory framework in order to facilitate family reintegration."
Gatekeeping Mechanism/Policy
No Data
Means of Tracking Progress with Reforms
The Ukrainian Child Rights Network utilized the Tracking Progress Initiative Tool in 2018
Moratorium on Admission into Institutions for Children Under 3
The National Strategy stipulates the implementation of a ban on the placement of children under 3 in institutional care starting in 2020
"One indicator of the national strategy stipulates the implementation of a ban on the placement of children under 3 in institutional care, starting from 2020. Yet, as of 01 January 2020, 2,742 children remained confined within 38 baby homes." (Building a rights-based child protection system in Ukraine, free from institutions, December 2020).
Moratorium on New Institutions
No Data
National Action Plan to Guide Reforms
National Strategy on Reform of Institutional Care System for 2017-2026 and Action Plan
"The National Strategy of Reforming the System of Institutional Care and Upbringing of Children (2017-2026) and the Action Plan for the implementation of its first stage were approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2017. In June 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Action Plan for the second stage of the reform." (Building a rights-based child protection system in Ukraine, free from institutions, December 2020).
National Standards of Care
Cabinet of Ministers' Decree #565 and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine #564
Prevention of Separation Services Available
Source: Opening Doors for Europe's Children 2018 Fact Sheet
According to the Opening Doors for Europe's Children 2018 Fact Sheet, "there is a lack of commitment to pursue sustainable child protection reform at the local level. Institutions continue to get public funding and resort to expanding the categories of children to avoid closure. Due to conservative and inflexible budgetary regulations, reallocation of existing resources for deinstitutionalisation or further development of community-based services are not possible either." Furthermore, "the development of community-based services for children and families is largely sporadic due to the lack of funding, lack of legal framework, lack of quality standards or low capacity of the service providers. Where services exist, they are mostly provided by the nongovernmental and civil society organisations and are severely underresourced, especially in rural, remote or deprived areas where needs are the highest."
Support for Careleavers (in Legislation and in Practice)
Source: Hope and Homes for Children, 2015
According to a 2015 Hope and Homes for Children report, "legislative acts governing education, health, and social protection of children lack a single, child-centred approach and clear principles, which would combine prevention and support for families with children, provision of education, delivery of health and social services, addressing housing issues and the socialisation of children and young people leaving the institutional care system." Furthermore, the report finds that "Children living in institutions receive no meaningful training on how to live an independent life. There are only a few documented cases where volunteers and NGO representatives organise special courses on life skills for institutionalised children."
7.00 billion
State Funding for Institutions
Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, 2020
According to the 2020 Alternative NGO Report to the UNCRC, in 2014, 5.1 billion UAH (approximately $255 million) were allocated from the state budget to fund institutions, in 2015, about 6.4 billion UAH (approximately $291 million), in 2016 - more than 7 billion UAH (about $280 million). A 2020 Call to Action coordinated by Hope and Homes for Children and Lumos notes that "There have been instances of opposition and malpractice by the authorities which manage institutions (including baby homes), particularly in relation to funding and budgets. In some cases, children have been misdiagnosed to ensure their placement in an institution, e.g. to stop a planned closure and keep public funding flowing in. In other cases, institution directors have re-categorised their facilities by changing the name but not the reality of the setting." Furthermore, "the money does not follow the child, meaning that the statutory funding received by institutions is not transferred once the children are reintegrated into the community, leaving cash-strapped local authorities struggling to pay for the new services to support vulnerable families to stay together."


Key Stakeholders

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Drivers of Institutionaliziation

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Push Factors
Pull Factors


Key Data Sources

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Displaying 51 - 60 of 373

List of Organisations

Interagency Statement,

Sixteen NGOs with expertise in child protection, disability inclusion and human rights call on the Government of Ukraine and its international partners to implement these key recommendations on the development of an inclusive child protection and care system. 

Disability Rights International, Disability Rights Ukraine,

DRI asked more than 500 families living in Ukraine what they are now experiencing during the war and what they need. In interviews with DRI staff, parents lay out all the difficult challenges and barriers they face. These interviews provide a blueprint of the change that must occur – by governments, donors, policymakers, caregivers, and communities during the war and recovery process.

Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union,

The Swedish Presidency has initiated a declaration to support the protection of Ukrainian children. The declaration will mobilise support among EU Member States for continued engagement in protecting the children who have been affected by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,

This Procedure determines the mechanism of safety of the children and persons living or enlisted on the round-the-clock stay in organizations of different types, patterns of ownership and subordination (further - children and persons), during warlike situation by acceptance in case of need died to their temporary movement (evacuation), ensuring placement, proper leaving, education, and also return in the place of their permanent residence (stay), and in case of departure out of limits of Ukraine - to Ukraine.

Washington Post,

Like thousands of families in Ukraine, Andrii Mishchenko and Olha Taranova said goodbye at the border. Andrii headed east towards the front lines. Olha headed west with her 11-year-old daughter and elderly father. Now over a year later, the family deals with the strain of separation, the volatility of settling into a new culture and the fear of the worst that could come of the war.

Eunice Masson - Mail and Guardian,

With the help of the nonprofit organisation Save Ukraine, nearly 50 Ukrainian children were reunited with their families this month. Since 8 November last year, the organisation has assisted in returning 95 children. 

Child Identity Protection (CHIP),

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, CHIP President, discusses the measures in place to ensure that the many children that crossed the Polish/Ukraine border alone travelled with identity documents that would allow them to access child protection measures as they proceed on their journey.


The focus of this document is to support, inform and empower social workers across the UK in their ongoing practice and consideration of issues that arise in relation to people arriving and staying under the UK Ukraine visa schemes.

Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

On 26 April 2023, the Better Care Network (BCN) and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance (GSSWA) organized an event under the auspices of the Ukraine Children

Better Care Network and Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

On 26 April 2023, the Better Care Network (BCN) and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance (GSSWA) organized an event under the auspices of the Ukraine Children’s Care Group with child protection and care actors focused on strengthening the social service workforce as part of the recovery process in Ukraine to support a transformed care and protection system for children. The event brought actors practitioners, technical advisors, policymakers and donors together to better understand the impact of the conflict on the existing social service workforce, and to identify concrete recommendations for strengthening and reforming it as part of the recovery process to support a transformed care and protection system for children in Ukraine.