
Displaying 621 - 630 of 14348

Jacinta Walsh, Lena Turnbull, Phillip Mendes, Rachel Standfield,

This resource is aimed at supporting front-line practitioners in Australia to have a working knowledge of the historical and contemporary context of social welfare policies and their impact on First Nations families and to use this knowledge as a starting point to build an awareness of how individual and systemic practices impact First Nations young people and families.


The 5th Biennial International Conference on Alternative Care for Children in Asia (BICON) will take place over two days, on 6-7th September 2023, in Kathmandu, Nepal.

UNICEF - ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

The government of Kenya has been working with UNICEF, Changing the Way We Care, Charitable Children's Institutions and local CSOs to pilot care reform at the county level. Learning from these demonstration counties is being used to shape care reform in other counties and at the national level. This video explores care reform in one demonstration county, Kisumu.

Changing the Way We Care,

In septembrie 2022, Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) a lansat o inițiativă pentru a oferi sprijin economic direct în procesul de reintegrare a copiilor în familii sau plasament în servicii de îngrijire de tip familial. În baza experiențelor anterioare de reintegrare, dar și din informațiile extrase din evaluările individuale ale copiilor și familiilor, echipa CTWWC a dezvoltat o abordare standardizată și echitabilă pentru a identifica tipul și valoarea sprijinului economic direct necesar.

Changing the Way We Care,

In September 2022, Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) launched an initiative to provide targeted economic support to assist the reintegration of children into families or placement into family based alternative care. Informed by previous experiences in reintegration and information captured in the individual child and family assessments, the CTWWC team developed a standardized and equitable approach to identifying the type and amount of targeted economic support required.

Naciima Saed Salah - BBC News,
Referring to the stigma he faces in Somalia because he has albinism, 25 year-old Elmi Bile Mohamed says: "People tell me I am a cannibal and that I will eat their children. They are terrified of me."
International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC), Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT),

This manual aims to help countries and their national statistical systems to improve the collection, analysis, sharing and use of data on children on the move.


This is the monthly update of the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform published in September 2023. 

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,

The present report was prepared in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 49/20, requesting the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: to prepare a report on the rights of the child and inclusive social protection, in close co

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

Este Informe Temático sobre voluntariado, volunturismo, turismo de orfanatos y tráfico de huérfanos fue elaborado para aportar lineamientos a los Gobiernos, los responsables de políticas y otros responsables de la toma de decisiones. También respalda la implementación de los compromisos internacionales asumidos en el contexto de la Resolución de la Asamblea General de la ONU 2019 sobre los Derechos de los niños y las niñas privados del cuidado parental. Explica de qué modo tomar las medidas apropiadas para abordar y prevenir los daños asociados al voluntariado en orfanatos, el turismo de orfanatos y el volunturismo, y al tráfico de huérfanos vinculado con las actividades anteriores.