Social Service Workforce Strengthening

A strong social service workforce is critical to meeting the needs of children without adequate family care.  From government policy-makers, local administrators, researchers and social workers, to educators, community workers and care providers, social service actors play a key role in protecting girls and boys and promoting their care.

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Katherine Gibson, Gina Samuels, Julia Pryce - Children and Youth Services Review,

This analysis drew from a study in which child welfare professionals were interviewed about their definitions of “well-being” and the barriers and facilitators to promoting well-being in their daily practices. 

Anne Jansen - The British Journal of Social Work,

The present study is based on life mode interviews with social workers who started their careers in child protection services, focusing on their daily lives as newly graduated professionals. 

SOS Children’s Villages International and CELCIS,

This Practice Guidance, developed by SOS Children’s Villages International and CELCIS, seeks to promote improvements in practice that should have a positive impact for young people during and after the leaving care process. The contents of this Practice Guidance are in good part informed by a detailed Scoping exercise that was carried out in each of the five countries participating in this project: Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Spain.

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

This factsheet provides child welfare professionals with an overview of motivational interviewing, describes circumstances when it could be applied, and highlights the basics of the method.

Jacquelyn K. Mallette, Ted G. Futris, David G. Schramm - Child & Family Social Work,

Guided by the Cultural Competence Attainment Model, the purpose of this study is to examine how socio‐demographic and work characteristics are associated with variations in child welfare professionals' (CWPs) attitudes about father involvement and family instability and how these attitudes are linked with whether they view relationship and marriage education as relevant to their efforts to support families.

Chris Beckett, Jonathan Dickens, Gillian Schofield, Georgia Philip and Julie Young - Children and Youth Services Review ,

The paper draws on a mixed methods study the role and effectiveness of Independent Reviewing Officers in England. 

Svetlana Rîjicova & Stela Grigoraș - Partnerships for Every Child, Government of the Republic of Moldova & Advancing Partners and Communities,

This guide is designed for social workers employed in the social services addressed to families and children in Moldova. In this version, the case management methodology focuses on family strengthening and the development of family’s competences, with the ultimate aim of achieving every child’s well-being. 

Elizabeth Claire Reimer - Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics,

This qualitative study explored a relational practice approach with parents whose children have been removed into out-of-home care in Australia.

Tatiana Dnestrean, Svetlana Rîjicova, & Stela Grigoraș - Partnerships for Every Child, Advancing Partners and Communities,

This guide represents a methodological support that describes the procedures for the provision, organization and operation of the Family Support Service.

Roos Julie Steens, Koen Hermans, Tine Van Regenmortel - Child & Family Social Work,

The authors of this article performed a multiple case study to gather information about barriers and facilitators in building a working alliance between social workers and families.