Foster Care

The term “foster care” is used in a variety of ways, and, consequently, it often causes confusion and miscommunication. In the industrialized world it is generally used to refer to formal, temporary placements made by the State with families that are trained, monitored and compensated at some level. In many developing countries, however, fostering is kinship care or other placement with a family, the objective(s) of which may include the care of the child, the child’s access to education, and/or the child’s doing some type of work for the foster family.

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Alexandra E Wretham, Matt Woolgar, Alexandra E Wretham - Adoption & Fostering,

In this study, 30 primary school aged UK adoptees without a history of institutionalisation completed an assessment of their intellectual, executive functioning and social communication abilities.

Angelique Day, Tamarie Willis, Lori Vanderwill, Stella Resko, Debra Patterson, Kris Henneman, Sue Cohick - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study implemented a systematic review process to identify the personal characteristics, skills and abilities of successful resource families that maximize foster and adoptive parent retention and maximize placement permanency of teens placed in out of home care.

Joy Gabrielli, Yo Jackson, Lindsay Huffhines, Katie Stone - Child Maltreatment,

This study tested relations among maltreatment history, coping behavior, and substance use behavior in youth residing in foster care.

Johan Vanderfaeillie, Anouk Goemans, Harm Damen, Frank Van Holen, Huub Pijnenburg - Child & Family Social Work,

This study aimed at investigating prevalence and precursors of breakdowns in long‐term foster care, the duration of placement before breakdown, and the association of child and placement characteristics with breakdown.

Jacqueline Kemmis-Riggs, Adam Dickes, John McAloon - Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review,

This systematic review examines the comparative effectiveness of foster and kinship care interventions for trauma.

Jacqueline Kemmis-Riggs, Adam Dickes, John McAloon - Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review,

This systematic review examines the comparative effectiveness of foster and kinship care interventions.

Lynne McCormack & Gemma L. Issaakidis - Traumatology,

This phenomenological study explored the “lived” experience of OoHC from the perspective of 4 adult care leavers reflecting on their childhood.

Sonia Hélie, Marie-Andrée Poirier, Tonino Esposito, and Daniel Turcotte - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

The purpose of this study is (1) to examine trends in placement use and placement stability since the reform and (2) to document the current frequency of each type of placement setting, the cumulative time in care before the exit to permanency, and the sustainability of the permanency outcome. 

Anouk Goemans, Mitch van Geel, Paul Vedder - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

The goal of this three-wave longitudinal study was to analyze foster parent stress and foster children’s internalizing and externalizing behaviors in a transactional framework. 

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This webinar, from the U.S. National Child Traumatic Stress Network, as part of its Childhood Traumatic Grief e-learning series, describes the impact of traumatic separation, attachment, and attachment disruption on children and adolescents.