Central Africa

Displaying 141 - 150 of 213

List of Organisations

Fourth CSO Forum on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child,

The following recommendations were made to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in relation to children without appropriate care.

Sarah Bailey, Paola Pereznieto and Nicola Jones with Bavon Mupenda, Grazia Pacillo and Mathieu Tromme - Overseas Development Institute,

This study analyzed the current social protection environment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and examined the “vulnerabilities and risks facing children living in poverty in Kinshasa, Bas Congo and Katanga provinces.” 

Samu Social International,

Cette première étude réalisée à Pointe-Noire porte sur une analyse de la population rencontrée par le Samu social Pointe-Noire, basée sur des caractéristiques socio-démographiques, les modalités de vie dans la rue et les causes de départ du milieu de vie familial. Elle s’inscrit dans un objectif de recherche-action dans le domaine de la lutte contre l’exclusion sociale des enfants des rues à Pointe-Noire.

Southern African Development Community,

The Minimum Package is a guide to encourage the harmonizing of service delivery for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children and Youth (OVCY) across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

Southern African Development Community (SADC),

This Situation Analysis Report is one of a series of three documents: (1) Report on the Situation of Orphans and Vulnerable and Children and Youth in the SADC Region; (2) Conceptual Framework for Psychosocial Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Youth in the SADC Region; and (3) Minimum Package of Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Youth in the SADC Region. The Situation Analysis Report has informed the development of the PSS Framework and the Minimum Package of Services.

Linda M. Richter and Amy Norman - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: An International Interdisciplinary Journal for Research, Policy and Care,

This article reviews the current discourse on what is being called a crisis of care for children, as well as literature on out-of-home/family care and its adverse impacts on child development. The article also describes an emerging “AIDS orphan tourism” and highlights its negative impacts.

Save the Children ,

This is the summary report on the research phase of a project looking at the needs of child-carers in four African countries; Nigeria, Uganda, Angola and Zimbabwe. The research consisted of a literature review and participatory child-led research in one site in each of the four countries.

Save the Children UK, Southern and Eastern Africa Regional Office ,

This report focuses on the experiences of Save the Children in monitoring, implementing and reviewing NPAs in Angola, Ethiopia, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Each of the country offices commissioned the documentation of case studies to identify promising practices and challenges around effective implementation of NPAs.


Collection of abstracts from conference presentations

ANPPCAN and Conference Delegates,

Summary of conference delegates' declarations and recommendations