Western Africa

Displaying 451 - 460 of 604

List of Organisations

Oxford Policy Management,

Cash transfers to households are becoming an increasingly common policy instrument for reducing poverty in some countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This Briefing Note describes a simple ex-ante ‘microsimulation’ tool to determine whether launching a cash transfer programme will have an affordable impact on poverty.

Better Care Network ,

Care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child on the initial report of Burkina Faso under the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

Bright Drah ,

In this paper, the author argues that the response to the orphan crisis in sub-Saharan Africa has focused mainly on mobilizing and distributing material resources to households with orphans. Only a few anthropologists have interrogated the frameworks and values on which the projects for orphans are based. The paper provides an analysis of the trends in foster-care research in Africa and the author suggests that current ethnographic data on foster-care practices do not adequately reflect the changing context of fostering in that continent.

The World Bank - Africa Social Protection Policy Briefs ,

This policy brief from the World Bank provides an overview of cash transfers in African countries.

Abigail Holman - Save the Children ,

This guide is designed for all staff working on child protection programmes who need quantitative data on knowledge, attitudes and practices related to child protection.

Republique du Benin,

Ce nouveau decret du President de la Republique pose les nouvelles normes et standards applicables aux centres d’accueil et de protection d’enfants en République du Bénin.

The African Child Policy Forum ,

This publication was prepared as a background document to inform the discussions and debates during the Fifth International Policy Conference on the African Child held on 29-30 May 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This report examines the rationale behind increasing intercountry adoption in Africa, the main thrust of international standards, the extent and magnitude of African intercountry adoption and its problems and challenges. The paper provides recommendations to this increasing trend and aims to establish a more Pan-African position on the topic of intercountry adoption.

The African Child Policy Forum ,

The Guidelines for Action on Intercountry Adoption of Children in Africa was adopted at the Fifth International Policy Conference on the African Child held on 29-30 May 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The objectives of the Guidelines are to facilitate and support the efforts of States to take all appropriate legal, administrative, and other measures to ensure that all persons and organizations involved in the adoption of a child act in conformity with applicable international legal instruments. Recommendations are set forth for central authorities and accredited bodies.

The African Child Policy Forum,

In the recently released outcome document of the Fifth International Policy Conference on the African Child, conference delegates call for a reversal of the current trend of resorting to intercountry adoption as a primary solution for African children in need of alternative care, and for giving prime priority to enabling all children in Africa to remain with their families and communities.

The African Child Policy Forum,

This document provides an overview of The Fifth International Policy Conference on the African Child held on 29-30 May 2012 at the United Nations Conference Center Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The overall goal of the Fifth IPC was to further the discussion on intercountry adoption and to contribute to the improvement of national laws, policies, systems and procedures relating to intercountry adoption.