
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.

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List of Organisations

Emebet Mulugeta - Innocenti’s Expert Consultation on Family and Parenting Support,

This presentation from Innocenti’s Expert Consultation on Family and Parenting Support describes gender roles in parenting in Ethiopia, the missing role of fathers in parenting, legal/policy provisions of family support, and some work being done to engage fathers.

NTV Kenya,

The video presents a news clip from NTV Kenya reporting on recent changes in Kenyan adoption policy.

Dee Blackie, National Adoption Coalition South Africa,

This fact sheet summarizes a qualitative research study conducted by the National Adoption Coalition South Africa (NACSA) that explored child abandonment and adoption in the context of African ancestral beliefs in urban South Africa. The goal of this one-year study was to better understand the growing practice of child abandonment and declining adoption rates in South Africa.

PAN (in partnership with ICS, Africa Fatherhood Initiative, SOS Children's Villages Kenya),

This is a report of the proceedings of PAN’s contributions to the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family (and the 10th anniversary of the Plan of Action - PoA - on the family in Africa) through a Regional Experts meeting whose theme was dubbed “Restoring families as the Pillar of Development in Africa”. 

Susan Kasedde, Aoife M. Doyle, Janet A. Seeley, David A. Ross - Social Science & Medicine,

This qualitative study examines the role of older people (60 years and above) in fostering decisions for orphans and non-orphans within extended families in a rural Ugandan community heavily affected by HIV.

UNICEF Centre de presse,

La terrifiante épreuve d’une fillette reflète ce que vivent des milliers d’enfants emportés par le conflit au Soudan du Sud : séparés de leur famille, ils se retrouvent seuls et ont besoin d’une aide urgente.

SOS Villages d'Enfants ,

Comment les réseaux sociaux solides soutiennent les enfants d’Afrique subsaharienne et leurs familles. Les enfants et les familles vulnérables ont besoin d’un système de soutien social qui réponde aux problèmes qu’ils rencontrent grâce à des solutions efficaces et durables. Les observations présentées dans ce rapport sont un « cliché instantané » des pratiques prometteuses  en matière de développement et de pérennité de la communauté. 

Kingdom of Lesotho,

This document presents the Kingdom of Lesotho's National Multisectoral Child Protection Strategy 2014–2018 and a Costed Plan of Action for 2014-2016. The document is a more detailed operational document, setting out a road map for actions from July 2014 through to March 2017. 

Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone,

This report documents the developmental journey taken by the Government of Sierra Leone (GSL) towards the protection, promotion and fulfilment of the rights of all of its children as protected by the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).

Human Dignity Foundation,

The Human Dignity Foundation (HDF) invites organisations to respond to a Call for Proposals on child protection. The purpose of the call is to identify projects that will contribute to ensuring that ‘all children are safer at home and in the community’.