
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.

Displaying 1951 - 1960 of 2401

List of Organisations

Mamelani Projects,

In 2012, Mamelani began an assessment of the content and focus of its transitional support programme. The aim was to consolidate its existing practice as well as to discover and implement new ways of ensuring more participants in its programme make a successful transition out of care.

Tomoko Shibuya et Viviene Taylor ,

S’efforçant de placer la situation des orphelins du Mozambique dans son contexte régional, celui de l’Afrique australe, et s’inspirant d'études sur le terrain tant quantitatives que qualitatives, cet article examine les différents modes de prise en charge des orphelins et la politique de protection qui leur est applicable au Mozambique, en s’intéressant tout particulièrement aux enfants qui vivent dans des centres d'hébergement ou qui fréquentent les foyers d'accueil.

SOS Children’s Villages,

This report and research conducted by SOS Children’s Villages reviews alternative care arrangements in Tanzania.

Schyst Resande - Fair Trade Center ,

This report was commissioned by the Swedish network Schyst Resande and conducted by the Fair Trade Center, with the overall objective of raising awareness of children’s rights in relation to tourism and travel destinations which many Swedish tourists visit.

Bright Drah ,

In this paper, the author argues that the response to the orphan crisis in sub-Saharan Africa has focused mainly on mobilizing and distributing material resources to households with orphans. Only a few anthropologists have interrogated the frameworks and values on which the projects for orphans are based. The paper provides an analysis of the trends in foster-care research in Africa and the author suggests that current ethnographic data on foster-care practices do not adequately reflect the changing context of fostering in that continent.

Men & Gender Equality Project,

A report examining the experiences and attitudes of men involved in non-traditional care activities and roles in Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, and South Africa.

The World Bank - Africa Social Protection Policy Briefs ,

This policy brief from the World Bank provides an overview of cash transfers in African countries.

Abigail Holman - Save the Children ,

This guide is designed for all staff working on child protection programmes who need quantitative data on knowledge, attitudes and practices related to child protection.

Republique du Benin,

Ce nouveau decret du President de la Republique pose les nouvelles normes et standards applicables aux centres d’accueil et de protection d’enfants en République du Bénin.

Seruwagi, Gloria K. - University of Huddersfield,

Focussing on Sheema district in rural Uganda, this study sought to give voice to ‘OVC’ and use their lived experiences to develop a robust framework of care and support.