This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.
Displaying 1961 - 1970 of 2468
The aim of this note is to outline some ways of engaging with community-based child protection mechanisms (CBCPMs), especially within the education sector, which apply in both urban and rural protracted refugee settings.
This is a statutory instrument detailing rules and regulations surrounding alternative care homes. This instrument defines what is necessary for the care and well-being of children within alternative care, and what they require medically and socially.
The objective of the present research study is to increase knowledge about kinship care in DRC and provide recommendations for programming to increase the care and protection of children.
This article shares the story of Hana, a 13 year-old girl who had been adopted from Ethiopia three years previously, died in the care of her adoptive family in Washington state, USA.
This Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children Affairs (MSWGCA) of Sierra Leone outlines priority critical issues and challenges and key activities/interventions under four strategic areas.
This paper provides a review of international and Ugandan literature on social care and support services particularly focussing on identifying key lessons that are relevant to the Ugandan context.
This report assesses the practice of kinship care within four research countries in the West and Central African region (Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Niger), reflecting upon the widespread use of kinship care.
A report by Save the Children examining the role and extent of kinship care in West Central Africa, as well as looking into program and policy implications and gaps in advocacy.
This Kinship Care Album was produced as part of a regional participatory research initiative undertaken by Save the Children to build knowledge on endogenous care practices within families and communities, especially informal kinship care. The Album is a compilation of documentation by children who participated in the research, including resource maps, body maps, photos of focus group discussions and observations by child researchers, pictures and letters from children highlighting their experiences of living in kinship care, their views and recommendations about life in kinship care.
RapidFTR is a versatile open-source mobile phone application and data storage system that seeks to expedite the Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR) process by helping humanitarian workers collect, sort and share information about unaccompanied and separated children in emergency situations so they can be registered for care services and reunited with their families.