This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.
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Representatives from International Social Service, Save the Children, and SOS Children’s Villages met with the African Committee on Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child during its 21st session on 15 April, 2013 to present on the international Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (UNGA resolution A/RES/64/142) and its new implementation Handbook “Moving Forward.”
Charts that accompany the article Orphan Fever: The Evangelical Movement’s Adoption Obsession, illustrating the trends in international adoptions from Liberia, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Haiti to families in the United States.
This country care review includes the Concluding Observations for the Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted as part of its examination of Liberia's second and fourth periodic reports at the 61st Session of the Committee held between 17 September and 5 October, 2012. The Committee’s recommendations on the issue of Family Environment and Alternative Care as well as other care relevant issues are highlighted.
This Road Map is aimed at accelerating “the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality rates sufficiently in order to enable Zambia attain the set MDGs by 2015.”
This training manual has been developed with the aim of enhancing the capacity of Charitable Children Institutions (CCIs) in providing services to children under their care.
This document was developed with the aim of assisting Charitable Children’s Institutions (CCIs) in Kenya to boost their capacity for determining which children need to be admitted into CCIs, how to provide adequate care and protection to the children and how to plan the eventual exit of the children back to their families and communities.
Cette déclaration conjointe inter-agences a pour but de (i) de présenter une vision commune des systèmes de protection de l’enfance en Afrique subsaharienne et d’expliquer pourquoi ils sont importants et méritent des investissements et (ii) lancer un appel à l’action auprès des gouvernements, à l’Union africaine, aux communautés économiques régionales, aux institutions multilatérales, aux bailleurs de fonds, au secteur privé, aux institutions académiques, aux organisations de la société civile, aux communautés et aux groupes d’enfants et de jeunes organisés.
Thirteen agencies working in Africa have issued a Joint Statement calling on African governments to strengthen their child protection systems to secure the right of children to a life free from violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect in both emergency and non-emergency settings.
Retrak is an organization that works with street children in Africa. This report offers an evaluation of the impact of Retrak's programs in Ethiopia and Uganda in its pilot period (2011 and 2012) and the progress of the children involved in the programs using the Child Status Index (CSI), as a measurement of child wellbeing and a tool for tracking children’s progress as they transition from the street to family homes.
Au cours des dernières années, l’opinion de la communauté internationale au sujet des adoptions a bien évolué et le changement de paradigme favorise désormais le maintien de l’enfant au sein de sa famille biologique. Au Bénin, Tdh a lancé en 2012 un projet pilote visant à placer des enfants, seuls et victimes de maltraitance ou d’exploitation, dans des familles d’accueil avant de rechercher leur famille biologique.