
Displaying 41 - 50 of 199

List of Organisations

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is currently recruiting a Co-Moderator to assist the lead moderator with generating, adapting and populating multilingual content for a new on-line Community of Practice.

Tara M. Collins, Irene Rizzini, Amanda Mayhew - Children & Society,

Informed by systematic reviews of the English‐ and Latin American academic literature in Spanish and Portuguese and key informant interviews with international stakeholders, this paper fosters global dialogue with some Global South and Global North perspectives about the interconnections of children's rights.

UN Women, ECLAC,

This document serves as a guiding framework for those involved in the development of comprehensive national Care Systems as a pillar of social protection in Latin American and the Caribbean. The authors believe that these systems should be designed from a human rights perspective, with particular emphasis on mainstreaming the gender perspective to achieve care models co-responsible between the State, the market, the community, and families, and between men and women.


This report showcases the centrality and urgency of social protection for families with children and adolescents in the COVID-19 context.


The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive system-wide evaluation at national and subnational levels which will assess the existing structures and procedures established to provide care and protection for Jamaica’s children.


El propósito de este contrato es profundizar sobre el análisis de la situación de las modalidades de cuidados ofrecidos por los Estados en América Latina y el Caribe con un enfoque en la comunidad y la familia, con un especial énfasis en la atención a la niñez en contextos de movilidad humana y en otros contextos altamente vulnerables, con especial atención a las niñas y adolescentes mujeres.

El Grupo de Trabajo de Gestión de Casos (CMTF) de la Alianza para la Protección de la Niñez y Adolescencia en la Acción Humanitaria,

Este webinar presentará una discusión de prácticas prometedoras entre los colegas en terreno en la región de América Latina.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

Este webinario presenta la nota técnica de protección de los niños contra la violencia, el abuso y la negligencia en casa.

Michael Weissenstein and Ben Fox - The Associated Press,

Haitian prosecutors have begun a criminal investigation into children's homes run by the Church of Bible Understanding in the United States, which held 154 children at the time of a February 13th fire that killed 13 children, according to this article from the Associated Press.

World Vision,

Esta página de World Vision presenta puntos claves para tener en cuenta a la niñez en las acciones Gubernamentales en América Latina y Caribe en tiempos de COVID 19.