
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Asia. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 1701 - 1710 of 1806

List of Organisations

Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation (CPCR), International Labor Organization (ILO) ,

Guidance on the formation of multidisciplinary teams for the provision of services to child victims of abuse and trafficking.

International Labor Organization,

Standards for shelters and care providers responding to children who have been trafficked. It gives guidance and practice examples of intake procedures, interim and longer term care, support services, integration and reunification

Judita Reichenberg and Anna Nordenmark,

Evaluation of two alternative care programmes in Georgia. Focus on contributions towards the construction of gatekeeping systems for alternative care services. Includes detailed lessons learned and recommendations.

Jan de Lind van Wijngaarden,

A literature review of HIV vulnerability in Vietnamese children. Includes analysis of current gaps in related research.

Andy West - International Save the Children Alliance,

Examines barriers to the development of a child protection system in Mongolia. Recommendations stress the need to develop integrated child protection as an essential service comprising a dedicated national agency and appropriate legal frameworks.

Florence Martin and Tata Sudrajat,

Examines institutional and family care in post-Tsunami Indonesia. Includes situational analysis, key issues, and recommendations.

International Labor Organization IPEC and PRO 169,

Guidelines to address the specific needs and rights of indigenous children in the context of child labour. Includes a comprehensive list of follow-up resources.

John Parry-Williams,

A situation analysis of laws, policies, and structures relevant to child protection in Sri Lanka, and a set of recommendations for improving the alternative care system.

UNICEF Innocenti Reserach Centre,

A website that contains statistical information on children in 27 countries across Central and Eastern Europe. The site contains relevant child protection indicators, including the number of children in institutional care.

John Williamson and Malia Robinson,

An evaluation of a programme in Sri Lanka that aimed to resettle and reintegrate children affected by armed conflict, prevent and respond to child abuse, and develop community based alternatives to institutional care.