Southern Europe

Displaying 351 - 360 of 521

List of Organisations

Council of Europe,

Council of Europe Secretary General Jagland sent a letter to Heads of Government of all 47 states of the Council of Europe to urge them to better ensure the safety and proper treatment of asylum-seeking and refugee children entering Europe. He also outlined a list of priority measures. 

Voice of America,

The UN Refugee Agency and UNICEF are setting up 20 centers to support and protect children and families fleeing war and persecution as they move across Europe’s well-worn migration routes. The centers, known as Blue Dot Hubs, are intended to provide a safe place for children and families facing risks once they arrive in Greece and move along the Balkan migratory route, which includes the former republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. In these hubs, children can play and their families can receive services and counseling.

Marta Reinoso, Noemí Pereda, Linda Van den Dries and Carlos G. Forero - Child and Family Social Work,

This study examined stress, coping and psychological adjustment of 68 children, aged 8–12, who were internationally adopted to Spain. 

Missing Children Europe,

The objective of the project is to reduce the numbers of unaccompanied children who go missing. This project addresses how the issue of the disappearance of an unaccompanied child is tackled in different Member States and promotes promising strategies and behaviours related to the prevention and response to disappearances.


Lumos, an international non-profit organisation founded by J.K. Rowling to help countries reform their services for disadvantaged children, has begun working with partners in Greece to help bring about reforms for institutionalised children. Lumos hosted a conference in Athens supporting deinstitutionalisation in Greece which was attended by over 70 policymakers, children’s welfare professionals, and civil society delegates. 

Joana Nunes Patrício, Maria Manuela Calheiros, Ana Catarina Martins - Children and Youth Services Review,

The objective of this study was to develop and test an instrument to measure self-representation of youths in residential care in Portugal. 

Miguel Melendro Estefanía - El Centro Reina Sofía sobre Adolescencia y Juventud y la FAD,

La presente investigación trata de los jóvenes sin tiempo y cómo trabajar, con ellos y ellas, en un tránsito inclusivo a la vida adulta, especialmente jóvenes que han pasado una parte importante de sus vidas en recursos residenciales del sistema de protección y que cuando son mayores de edad deben dejarlos para salir a la vida adulta, en un tránsito cargado de complejidades.

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

This fact sheet provides an overview of the numbers of children in institutional care in Greece.


The Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity (TransMonEE) Database, established in 1992 by the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, captures a vast range of data relevant to social and economic issues relevant to the situation and wellbeing of children, young people and women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The 2016 database includes data on children in alternative care for Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia, as well as data on child protection, social protection, and other topics.

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

As of this Fact Sheet, Serbia has no comprehensive deinstitutionalization strategy.