
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Europe. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Mélanie Loiseau, Jonathan Cottenet, Sonia Bechraoui-Quantin, Séverine Gilard-Pioc, Yann Mikaeloff, Fabrice Jollant, Irène François-Purssell, Andreas Jud, Catherine Quantin,

In France, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a general lockdown from mid-March to mid-May 2020, forcing families to remain confined. This study found a significant increase in the relative frequency of young children hospitalized for physical abuse from 2017 (0.053%) to 2020 (0.073%).

Agence France-Presse in Copenhagen,

Six Inuit who were snatched from their families in Greenland and taken to Denmark 70 years ago are demanding compensation from Copenhagen for a lost childhood.

The Guardian,

Saturday 20 November marks World Children’s Day, the anniversary of the UN general assembly’s adoption of the convention of the rights of the child (UNCRC). But despite the UK ratifying the UNCRC in 1991, many children in care are being treated in a way that violates this convention.

Matthew Chance, Zahra Ullah, and Laura Smith-Spark - CNN,

There are 200 children and 600 women among an estimated 2,000 people massed along the Bruzgi-Kuznica border crossing separating Belarus from Poland, Belarusian border officials told CNN on Friday. Some of those are only babies or toddlers.

Sanchia Berg - BBC News,

Growing numbers of very vulnerable children in England are being detained in temporary accommodation under special court orders described as "draconian" by one senior judge.

BBC News,

A man with autism who has spent nearly half his life detained in a mental health hospital has been released after a long campaign by his mother.

Service Civil International Austria,

This toolkit is the outcome of four seminars organised by the Service Civil International (SCI), and calls for all volunteering organisations in Europe to take a strong stand against racism and colonialism. 

Children & Young People Now,

Young people with experience of the care system have issued a checklist of issues they want to be addressed by the Care Review.

Changing the Way We Care,

Scopul analizei de situație a copiilor din Republica Moldova, cu accent pe copiii
vulnerabili și prevenirea separării de părinți, este de a oferi o imagine completă a
situației lor actuale, inclusiv în urma efectelor pandemiei COVID-19 și care să servească
elaborării de recomandări concrete cu privire la o serie de decizii bazate pe probe, pe
care statul dar și actorii societății civile au nevoie să le ia și, ulterior, să le implementeze,
pentru a îmbunătăți situația grupurilor celor mai vulnerabile, precum și pentru a
eficientiza sistemul de îngrijire alternativă a copilului din Republica Moldova.

Changing the Way We Care,

Analiza actelor normative de reglementare a serviciilor sociale şi a finanțării acestora a fost realizată cu scopul de a elabora recomandări practice privind îmbunătățirea cadrului normativ și a mecanismului de finanțare a serviciilor sociale de prevenire a separării copilului de familie și a celor de îngrijire alternativă.